OK, so Guinness has a spot for the most thread replies, let's see how many replies we can get! We have to work hard so lets begin Rules apply!
RULES: You cannot post more than one time on a page, you have to wait for a new page to reply again. If you do I'll ask for this page to be locked, it will just lead to spam if you do. Also, thread comments must follow the thread posting rules!
Very nice. Will try having 100 once a day, plus I'll be here all the time, and I have allot to talk about too. It will probably take a year but I still think it's totally possible. =), sorry but I'm always positive!
Our definition/concept of time came into existence when we created it. Whether what we consider time has always existed, before we defined it, is a different matter.
What is real?
Nothing. Or everything you perceive. But our sensory organs can't be trusted...
What is the fullest extent a person can push their body to?
Question not understood. Eh?
What's the most random thing you can think of at the moment?
Polar bears. You know that game, where you're supposed to not think about a polar bear for the next thirty seconds?
Do you support M-Theory and String Theory? why or why not?
Kind of... I'd need to read up on the subject to make a statement.
Do you believe in some mutation there were once vampires and werewolves?
Not in the mythological definitions, no. I don't believe that. Cults that acted like vampires or werewolves, that I'd believe in...
What's your favorite Guiness Record?
The record for most spoons stuck on a face. I can't remember how many it was, though.
What's your favorite (insert any catagory here)?
It's definitely *insert any of my favorites here*!!
Do you favor monotheism or polytheism?
Polytheism, just because multiple forces often makes better stories.
Why do I have to come up with a list of things?
Presumably to give us all something random to post about.
Is there such thing as a chocolate milk cow?
There is no cow that produce chocolate milk in its utter. But I'm sure some other definition of a chocolate milk cow can exist.
Should i get off in 3 mins?
Errr... *censored*
Why is the question why, and what endless?
Because it can always be asked to the new answer as well. You question existence...
(if you haven't noticed yet i used some of these in ^<V thread)
I didn't notice...
Which would you rather be? Pyromaniac, Hydromaniac, Aeromaniac, or Lithomaniac?
I'm lazy right now. Would you please tell me what the latter three are so I don't have to google them? Yeah, very lazy I am...