OK, so Guinness has a spot for the most thread replies, let's see how many replies we can get! We have to work hard so lets begin Rules apply!
RULES: You cannot post more than one time on a page, you have to wait for a new page to reply again. If you do I'll ask for this page to be locked, it will just lead to spam if you do. Also, thread comments must follow the thread posting rules!
Has time always existed? no it was created by man to measure how long something will take
What is real? Real is existing matter (matter can't be created or destroyed)
What is the fullest extent a person can push their body to? shoving themselves full of needles (acupuncture) pulling 3 semis?
What's the most random thing you can think of at the moment? i should totally bang my head to this dethklok music right now, camels, lightsabers, flying flys and dieing dies, anxiety disorders
Do you support M-Theory and String Theory? why or why not? sure, i just like the concept of it
Do you believe in some mutation there were once vampires and werewolves? i do believe there was one genetic mutation to form a vampire but i'm not so sure there was werewolves, as soon as people started seeing this they began constructing cults and taking the rumor way outta whack
What's your favorite Guiness Record? longest someone held their breath underwater
Continuation of counting 74 is the number of truthe
What's your favorite (insert any catagory here)? it is my favorite cake
Do you favor monotheism or polytheism? poly, kindof like a play..makes more interesting to learn about each one
Why do I have to come up with a list of things? because i'm awesome
Is there such thing as a chocolate milk cow? if a coacoa bean got somehow mixed with a cow then it could be possible
Should i get off in 3 mins? yes i will
Why is the question why, and what endless? always be asked in the newer question
(if you haven't noticed yet i used some of these in ^<V thread) i have noticed because i'm the one who did it
Which would you rather be? Pyromaniac, Hydromaniac, Aeromaniac, or Lithomaniac? pyro is fire hydro is water aero is air litho is earth
Ha Ha @ RubberyChicken. Yea, I've decided no Obamma topics, for the fact Carlie doesn't like it, and I must listen. The topic today is general discussion, which means to just start a conversation and try not to get too off topic of what your discussion is!
So wait I don't get the actual topic of this thread. I mean is it only about talking about the world record it's trying to break so that it can break the world record?
Anywayz how many pages we got to get here because I have a short attention span....therefores, I will make meself entertained...
Well the topic is just general discussion. So just start on conversation with somebody pretty much. And pretty soon your on page 12 then 15 so on so on!