OK, so Guinness has a spot for the most thread replies, let's see how many replies we can get! We have to work hard so lets begin Rules apply!
RULES: You cannot post more than one time on a page, you have to wait for a new page to reply again. If you do I'll ask for this page to be locked, it will just lead to spam if you do. Also, thread comments must follow the thread posting rules!
hmm so I see this objective of yours isn't going too well.I don't really know what you guys could talk about,but it may take quite awhile to reach your goal.
If this is spam, then there have been some regulations put in place for this thread, suchas only 2 posts per page *looks up*, dang no more posts for me on this page
Ok this is my last and final on this page so I am going to make this a long one. Ok so one day aso on and so forth came a blah .................... (*talks for a few days*) Thee end!
there are many actual things we could do, such as that one game where we make sentences out of each person saying one word at a time, but instead, we make a multiple paragraphs out of each person saying one sentence. any better Ideas?