OK, so Guinness has a spot for the most thread replies, let's see how many replies we can get! We have to work hard so lets begin Rules apply!
RULES: You cannot post more than one time on a page, you have to wait for a new page to reply again. If you do I'll ask for this page to be locked, it will just lead to spam if you do. Also, thread comments must follow the thread posting rules!
Lol I was looking around for other "longest threads". One forum has one that is an amazing 10 posts long. On the otherhand another has over 4200 pages of posts oh well we have ages to go.
In a forum I occasionally go to, we had a battle to see who could get their thread to have the most posts. The problem was, if the moderator began to think the thread was too spammy, they would close the thread.
Fortunately, our thread was created by an Admin, so the Mods weren't as willing to close it. And even if they did, it the Admin felt like it, he could open it up again (Though I don't think he would have).
In the time period of 2-3 months, we were able to get it to 17,634 posts (1,176 pages long) without having obvious spam.
We could have gotten more, but the thread became irrelevant since it was a "Game Character theory" thread, and once the game was released the thread was pointless.
this topic has potential, look we need to think of a reason for this topic, a good one at that. this topic, if successful has the potential to make this website great. But MY conflict is that this place may get to big, and attract unwanted visitors. but at the same time, it will make this place explode with activity.
Only 75 out of every hundred? just look at some of the comments on the games, I have seen many comments of 1 word each, and one time I saw a comment of 0 words... (I obviously flagged it)
Some comments aren't even spam, but just aren't very creative. Oh, how I miss the period. And the capital letter. And the subject/predicate. And so on. Although considering I'm a complete newb in these parts, I'm not quite sure how I can talk about "anymore".
I doubt this'll break any record, but "Longest Thread Ever" threads are always a great deal of fun. Some forums have the somewhat lower goal of "100000 replies". I remember that forum I was on that had that quite fondly.
Yes spam is a very interesting topic, and welcome to the community 1angelette. Considering how you actually put some thought behind your posts... You are more on track to becoming a repected member of the community than some people with 350 times as much AP.
Actually, to tell the truth with my little story...
It probably was better before I accidentally ended up turning it to a contest.
I guess I was a little overzealous because it turned the most peaceful thread into a flame war zone with hundreds of followers gathered in defense.
Before I become a real leader of something, I should work on not getting so hot headed and competitive. I kinda ended up turning it to a place to vent my anger and frustration of all I was going through at the time.
Mmmm... worlds longest thread. Couldn't we make the worlds longest hot doig or something, I know kinda hard over the internet but still you can't eat a thread, I've tried.
We can definitely beat this record. It sounds interesting!!!! (Also, about the hot dog thing, how about make a Guinness World Record Hot Dog Cooker Game!!!! hahaha!!)