OK, so Guinness has a spot for the most thread replies, let's see how many replies we can get! We have to work hard so lets begin Rules apply!
RULES: You cannot post more than one time on a page, you have to wait for a new page to reply again. If you do I'll ask for this page to be locked, it will just lead to spam if you do. Also, thread comments must follow the thread posting rules!
Yup. We are a rare few, but hell we are doing great. And even fewer are we who use the forums with dignity (and only a few spelling and grammatical errors).
This thread is really moving at a slow pace eh? Back when posts in this section were worth AP, people ran up and down from all over the site to cheat some easy points.
We need about 120,000 posts, this has been a recurring topic and has been disussed several times already... and the rule 2 times a page, it got modified somewhere in the middle
I'm glad England has so many great cheeses I could eat it constantly. I dunno who would win between cheddar and wenslydale ( i'd probably have to go wallace and gromit and vote wensleydale). I feel sorry for americans sometimes having to put up with plastic cheese.