ForumsForum Games[Necro] Planet Creator V2

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728 posts

Well I think we can all agree that daleksparta ruined the original planet creator, so im going to make a newer one that HE CANT PLAY. And anyone that acts like him will be expelled.

2: No killing a planet in a single post. That is considered god mode and if you god mode you will be expelled.
3: Dont act like daleksparta and rip this thread to pieces.

Planet name:

Planet name is the name of your planet.
Population is how many people are living in it.
Geography is things like the atmosphere, and a map if you want.
Sector is where in the map you want to be. There are 4 sectors, and each sector has a sun. Sector 1 is top left, 2 top right, 3 bottom left, 4 bottom right. You will randomly be placed somewhere in the sector by ME.

  • 101 Replies
247 posts

Planet name:Hijimotia
Wild life:1,000,000
Geography: Equal space covered by small mountains, fields and hills. Also, very many rivers.
Species: Homo neuro sapiens, homo sapiens sapiens, homo psycho sapiens
Tech level:0

247 posts

and bytheway this is the cool thing about my planet:
humans use chakra to make jutsus
psionics use neurons to control others
wraiths use energy to do spells

38 posts

Planet Name: Xaneisis
Population: apx. 120,970
Geography: Twice the mass of Earth and 3 times as wide. Like Earth, but is covered in a kilometer-thick layer of permaice. Mountains are twice as tall as earth mountains to allow for them to be a normal height above the ice. A lake of water is formed at the point of brightest sunlight on the planet. This lake moves in the same direction as the planet's star.
Mainly Humans
anthros of various species can be found in the mountains

38 posts

Xaneisian people are very technologiacally advanced, especially in scaning and communications tech. Most Xaneisian citizens are given and EPD(Enhanced Perceptive Device), a device that enhances the user's senses, at age 8. At age 17, each Xaneisian person deemed capable is granted their own PIV, a small, one-man ship capable of moving at incredible speeds.

1,077 posts

Name: The Black Void

Description: The most aggressive and evil planet ever. Come into contact with them they will contact you ASAP. They will offer peace if you accept they will leave doing nothing more. They accept you into their area but not onto their planet. You must become liked by them to be allowed onto the planet. To do this complete tasks for them. The way you know you have reached ULTIMATE reputation with this planet is when they allow you to meet their lone ruler, Lord Voidblood the VII (title not name).

Inhabitants: Demon like creatures males have black skin with red lines, females are red with black lines. No two line formations are the same. Children have no lines at all. Once they reach adult hood they go through a teat to determine their "Void Creature". When in combat they can form into this creature and take on its abilities. They also get an adult name (adding something like "orus" to a name) These people are very civilized and NEVER has war been waged on this planet unless it has been waged on a different race. Of course there are animals too. Animals thought mythical roam this land. (But unicorns and pegisus have been hunted onto the endangered list) All demon citizen wield weapons ready to be deployed into war.

Planet Description: This planet is only accessible through a space warp (built by the original lord of The Black Void, BlackPhoenix) because it is surrounded by six black hole causing usually earthquakes. Altough not serious they can cause some damage. The planet has black oceans and a HUGE red blazing star serving as the sun.

Tecnology: All of the basics. Ray guns, blaster cannons modern earth weapons and there most powerful the "REALITY RIPPER" The "Reality Ripper" only exsists in one place, the Lords ship. It is a collosial laser gun that is so powerful it destroys reality itself. It has only been fired only (regrettfully) and that is what caused the black holes to form hence the name.

Population: About 22 million

Size: About the size of jupiter x 3

(( My original planet, can I re-create it? ))

1,077 posts

That was meant to be quoted. I will make a new forum if I can use the same planet.

Sorry for DP

38 posts

A Xanesian scientist has come up with an incredible device. Said device would allow unrestricted travel between dimensions. However, in order to create this device, he would need materials not found on his planet. And because of his importance to the XSC(Xaneisis Scientific Commision), he can't abandon his work to go looking for what he needs. He hasn't mentioned this fact to any of his colleagues, but when recording a personal log on his needs, he did not know that he had also accidentally left on his radio transmitter. The transmitter was set to a Black Voidian radio frequency. One of the Black Void scientists heard his unwanted broadcast...

38 posts

Jempedia must orbit one big-ass star.

6,800 posts

ah the planet making has gotten out of controll: excessively large planets, too much population. The earlier planets that were created before on the first and second page do stand a chance against the hordes that have been created now. I would suggest a limited amount of players, (5 zones, one player per zone), a limited amount of poplulation (cant excede say...25,000) and one main species and two minor species. Planet size can either be like small (venus), normal (earth), large (neptune/uranus). Each planet size needs to have pros/cons. Small planet: can support less people, but there not as many dangers to attack your people. Medium planets are balanced, And large planets are extreme (lots of room, lots of dangers). This way, a player that makes a peacefl planet with 15,000 population cant be attacked by another civilation with 2 billion warriors. I would have this thread locked, and start over with the original people who followd these guidelings. This is what i would do, but its not my diescion.

These rules,guidelines, and such are NOT copyright, and can be used by anybody with out the permision of the author. This post was directed at the creator of the thread, but can be used by anybody who reads this. This post is subject by change, and can be legally done. The post was written by Mav, and the sole owner is Mav, but you can freely use it with out contacting Mav.

Hope this helps,


1,252 posts

Planet name: klaxiton
Population: 400,000
Geography: lots of grassy mountains and snowy plains with a very strong river going across half the planet at least. a 200 mile line of impassably desert. the other side of the planet has no trees or any landscape just waistlands.
hollow men: have no intelligent mind but they look like what we would think are zombies. they never seem to gain or lose any population. they are slow but travel in hordes.
jidain: 3 gods that rule all the klaxinions. There is Manotin the ferryman, godfred to living, sifina the dead.
klaxitons: very intelligent pacifists that live in a great utopia and know nothing of hardships from their lifetime but are trained to fight in case war comes to them.
Sector: 1

38 posts

I made a map of a galaxy with our planets in it. Who knows, maybe we can use it?
By the way, the core is only separated from the main sector because I added it in before but didn't care to remove it. Notice that I put The Black Void in the Core Region of sector IV.

1,077 posts

Name: The Black Void

Description: As soon as they come into contact, they will offer peace if you accept they will leave doing nothing more. They accept you into their area but not onto their planet. You must become liked by them to be allowed onto the planet. To do this complete tasks for them. The way you know you have reached ULTIMATE reputation with this planet is when they allow you to meet their lone ruler, Lord Voidblood the VII (title not name).

Inhabitants: Demon like creatures males have black skin with red lines, females are purple with blue lines. No two line formations are the same. Children have no lines at all. Once they reach adult hood they go through a teat to determine their "Void Creature". This is purely for honor. They also get an adult name (adding something like "orus" to a name) These people are very civilized and NEVER has war been waged on this planet unless it has been waged on a different race. Of course there are animals too. Animals thought mythical roam this land. (But unicorns and pegisi have been hunted onto extinction) All demon citizen wield weapons ready to be deployed into war. They speak a language that is consisted of rumbles and grunts.

Planet Description: This planet is only accessible through a large chrome tunnel (built by the original lord of The Black Void, BlackPhoenix) because it is surrounded by six black holes. The black hole can cause earthquakes, although not serious, they can cause some damage. The planet has black oceans and a HUGE red blazing star serving as the sun. Their ships are colored according to the captain. The ships are rounded and usually are longer than they are tall. They have small oval-shaped ships with large squares attached to the back for transportation. They have very, very minor slipspace capabilities. They can manage traveling in slipstream for about an hour. Doing so increases their speed tenfold for an hour.

Technology (They have about none of this as of now.): Most, nay, ALL of their weapons are based upon explosions, and/or fire. They have a rumored weapon, the "REALITY RIPPER". The "REALITY RIPPER" only excists in one place, the Lord's ship. It is a colossal laser gun that applies so much force, it destroys reality itself. It has only been fired only (regrettfully) and that is what caused the black holes to form around the Black Void. After firing it need repairs and need a significant amount of time to charge. It is rumored that they found it on a small, charred planet orbiting theirs. They have fourteen space cannons surrounding their planet. Two by each black hole and two by the chrome tunnel.

Current Tech: They have achieved land and air travel. They have the "REALITY RIPPER". Their land weapons are flamethrowers and bombs. Their bombs (at most) are slightly more powerful than nukes. They have melee weapons similar to 'Gravity Hammers' from 'Halo'. Short range video communicators have been created for attempting to contact alien life.

(Bolded is their biggest priority)
Researching: Space travel, the properties of slipspace, lasers, alien life and better fuel.

Tech Level: 0

Population: Roughly 20 million.

Size: About twice the size of Earth.

Sector: Core Region of IV

(( Toned it down a bit, seems more fair now. ))

<The citizens are trying to get space travel.
Failed attempts: 6
Successes: 1/2 (They never returned...)>

38 posts

Planet Name: Xaneisis
Population: apx. 120,970
Wildlife: 0; 10,050 if you count the Anthro in the mountains.
Geography: Twice the mass of Earth and 3 times as wide. Like Earth, but is covered in a kilometer-thick layer of permaice. Mountains are twice as tall as earth mountains to allow for them to be a normal height above the ice. A lake of water is formed at the point of brightest sunlight on the planet. This lake moves in the same direction as the planet's star.
Mainly Humans
anthros of various species can be found in the mountains
Sector: II, Edge of Vaxaa galactic arm
After discovering that he had accidentally broadcasted his idea all across the galaxy, the scientist tries frantically to destroy the technical papers.

In the meantime, the Xaneisian Scientific Commission(XSC) has completed a civilian transportation vehicle known as the JetBike: A hoverbike with three low-power thrusters on the rear end. Skilled drivers have been seen making JetBikes FLY. Not just hover a few inches off the ground, actually FLY. This gave the Commission the idea that space travel might actually be possible.

The XSC is now reseraching in the fields of(listed in order of priority):
Interstellar Travel, S-TNT-RDX, higher-quality power supply, and a device known only as the WJE(more details on the device later).

38 posts

(abbreviation for Super Trinitrotoluene-Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine)
A weapon still in its experimental stages. Super Trinitrotoluene-Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine is a type of explosive charge. It is, basically, TNT with a more explosive molecular structure poured into the same container with plastic explosives, then hooked up to either a remote or timed detonator. The resulting explosion from a single 20lb charge of S-TNT-RDX would be, in theory, almost as powerful as the bomb that hit Hiroshima way back on Earth Date August 6, 1945. However, S-TNT-RDX can also be used for simple demolition. Small, 4oz charges are planned. Other charge sizes planned are 2lbs, 5lbs and 10lbs.
Start of Project: Earth Date May 47, 2029
Project Stage: 1 2 3 4
Estimated Earth Date of project completion: July 1, 2039

3,426 posts

Planet name: Cronus
Population: 100,000
Geography: The atmostphere is can only be handled by the Cronians
Species: Demonic dragon-like creatures called Cronians
Sector: 1

Can I pwlay?

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