ForumsForum Games[Necro] Planet Creator V2

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Well I think we can all agree that daleksparta ruined the original planet creator, so im going to make a newer one that HE CANT PLAY. And anyone that acts like him will be expelled.

2: No killing a planet in a single post. That is considered god mode and if you god mode you will be expelled.
3: Dont act like daleksparta and rip this thread to pieces.

Planet name:

Planet name is the name of your planet.
Population is how many people are living in it.
Geography is things like the atmosphere, and a map if you want.
Sector is where in the map you want to be. There are 4 sectors, and each sector has a sun. Sector 1 is top left, 2 top right, 3 bottom left, 4 bottom right. You will randomly be placed somewhere in the sector by ME.

  • 101 Replies
38 posts

I buffed up the map to include Cronus, and the star system that is going to be the subject of the Xaneisian's first space mission: Thymalarris. If I have to include the parameters for it, then tell me so.

6,800 posts

Planet name: Machinae
Population: 60,000(robots)
Geography: The entire planet is artificially made. It was designed by people and made by robots. The robots wondered why they wernt in charge and took over the planet when it was completed. The old robots made newer, better models equiped for war, and the new models destroyed the old ones for parts.
Species: Large robots outfitted with destructive weapons. Will attack anything that makes it past the orbital defenses (which has only happened once). Hate anything thats living.
Sector: Outskirts of sector 3 (can i be in the core?)

1,252 posts

Planet name: klaxiton
Population: around 1.5 million total
Geography: lots of grassy mountains and snowy plains with a very strong river going across half the planet at least. a 200 mile line of impassably desert. the other side of the planet has no trees or any landscape just waistlands.
hollow men: have no intelligent mind but they look like what we would think are zombies. they never seem to gain or lose any population. they are slow but travel in hordes. they live in the wasteland area.
jidain: 3 gods that rule all the klaxinions. There is Manotin the ferryman, godfred to living, sifina the dead.
klaxitons: very intelligent pacifists that live in a great utopia and know nothing of hardships from their lifetime but are trained to fight in case war comes to them. live in oposite side of hollow men.
Sector: 1

The klaxinions send a space probe with a gift of 1000 of the most ghastly hollow men as a gift to the black void and a message of peace as a first contact to any foreign planetary life.

projects: large transport ships 35%, and lifeform creator 5%.

1,077 posts

-Name: The Black Void
-Description: As soon as they come into contact, they will offer peace if you accept they will leave doing nothing more. They accept you into their area but not onto their planet. You must become liked by them to be allowed onto the planet. To do this complete tasks for them. The way you know you have reached ULTIMATE reputation with this planet is when they allow you to meet their lone ruler, Lord Voidblood the VII (title not name).
-Inhabitants: Demon like creatures males have black skin with red lines, females are purple with blue lines. No two line formations are the same. Children have no lines at all. Once they reach adult hood they go through a teat to determine their "Void Creature". This is purely for honor. They also get an adult name (adding something like "orus" to a name) These people are very civilized and NEVER has war been waged on this planet unless it has been waged on a different race. Of course there are animals too. Animals thought mythical roam this land. (But unicorns and pegisi have been hunted onto extinction) All demon citizen wield weapons ready to be deployed into war. They speak a language that is consisted of rumbles and grunts.
-Planet Description: This planet is only accessible through a large chrome tunnel (built by the original lord of The Black Void, BlackPhoenix) because it is surrounded by six black holes. The black hole can cause earthquakes, although not serious, they can cause some damage. The planet has black oceans and a HUGE red blazing star serving as the sun. Their ships are colored according to the captain. The ships are rounded and usually are longer than they are tall. They have small oval-shaped ships with large squares attached to the back for transportation. They have very, very minor slipspace capabilities. They can manage traveling in slipstream for about an hour. Doing so increases their speed tenfold for an hour.
-Technology (They have about none of this as of now.): Most, nay, ALL of their weapons are based upon explosions, and/or fire. They have a rumored weapon, the "REALITY RIPPER". The "REALITY RIPPER" only exists in one place, the Lord's ship. It is a colossal laser gun that applies so much force, it destroys reality itself. It has only been fired only (regretfully) and that is what caused the black holes to form around the Black Void. After firing it need repairs and need a significant amount of time to charge. It is rumored that they found it on a small, charred planet orbiting theirs. They have fourteen space cannons surrounding their planet. Two by each black hole and two by the chrome tunnel.
-Current Tech: They have achieved land and air travel. They have the "REALITY RIPPER". Their land weapons are flame-throwers and bombs. Their bombs (at most) are slightly more powerful than nukes. They have melee weapons similar to 'Gravity Hammers' from 'Halo'. Short range video communicators have been created for attempting to contact alien life.
(Bolded is their biggest priority)
-Researching: Space travel, the properties of slipspace, lasers and alien life.
-Tech Level: 0
-Population: Roughly 20 million.
-Size: About twice the size of Earth.
-Sector: Core Region of IV

< A meteorite came through a black hole containing a strange mineral. Thee demons can create this mineral using things natural to their planet. It burns extremely well and has almost no smoke. They named it Flairium.

Better fuel - 'Check'>

38 posts

A Xaneisian citizen has successfully modified his JetBike into a personal starcruiser. The XSC copies his design at his request and begins building upon it, creating an entire line of different starships. The PIV(Personal Interstellar Vehicle), and all other Xaneisian starcruisers, are born.

Also, the XSC has finished thhe final design for S-TNT-RDX. They have already sent PIVs with S-TNT-RDX to all of the planets in sectors II and IV that are not in the core regions as gifts and to prove to them all that they have reached this technological breakthrough.
Also, I've finished updating the map again. Yes, Machinae is in the core regions.
And I've thought of a way the Core Regions can be different: Core Region planets are generally more productive and economically successful than those in the rest of the galaxy

6,800 posts

Planet name: Machinae

Popolation: 90,000(robots)

Geography: The entire planet is artificially made. It was designed by people and made by robots. The robots wondered why they wernt in charge and took over the planet when it was completed. The old robots made newer, better models equiped for war, and the new models destroyed the old ones for parts.

Species: Large robots outfitted with destructive weapons. Will attack anything that makes it past the orbital defenses (which has only happened once). Hate anything thats living.

Sector: Core

Computers have formulated a new chemical to be launched from a rocket 'POD'. The Pod will travel over the group of enemys', and explode, radiating a neuropoison that causes life forms to have viloent spazims. THis renders the unit unable to continue fighting. A more deadly version takes over the life forms brain, disolving it. This can be seen by liquid brains coming out a person's ears. Robots have been covered with a special spray to prevent these new bio weapons from affecting them, as we havnt figured out what it can do to robots.

38 posts

The first successful PAIA, a personalized AI computer that connects directly to the user's central nervous system, is created. These new models feature human-like personalities and the ability to take control of inactive robots so as to take on a physical form. Such robots are called PSAIRs, for Personality-Simulating AI Robots.
A PSAIR by the name of "Zak" successfully gets his hands on a PIV. He flies it in a straight line in attempts to reach sector III. This straight line path would inadvertently take him through the core regions. Zak winds up dangerously close to Machinae...(remember, he's a robot)

6,800 posts

Planet name: Machinae

Popolation: 90,000(robots)

Geography: The entire planet is artificially made. It was designed by people and made by robots. The robots wondered why they wernt in charge and took over the planet when it was completed. The old robots made newer, better models equiped for war, and the new models destroyed the old ones for parts.

Species: Large robots outfitted with destructive weapons. Will attack anything that makes it past the orbital defenses (which has only happened once). Hate anything thats living.

Sector: Core
Robot Outer Defense Station VII:

Unidentified target. Target passing within orbital defenses. Target aquired. Target locked.

*fires three 'Shreke' missles*

(i personally designed the shreke missle)

A shreke missle is a missle that has a bunch of fins jutting out. THe missle is similar to a heat-seeking missle, as it targets planes, and star ships. The missle, however, has a bomb trailing it. The shreke missle hits the ship, and knocks a large hole in it. The missle folowing it, has the new chemicals (see previous post(s)). The new chemical, BN-1, (Bioweapon, Neuroilgacal, formula 1), is housed in the missle. In this case, since no life forms are deteced, a standard HE missle is launched. The shreke missile lays a 'trail' that the HE missle follows. the trail is constantly updated, to allow the missle to go through the hole in the ship.

'Zak' is blown up from the inside. He is completely destroyed, and any wrekage that is picked up will be launched back out into space.
Update: Machinae has no atmosphere, as only robots live on it. It has gravity, but any life forms cannot survive with out the appropriate equipment.

17 posts

name: Ichnakri
population: +/- 900 humans par km²
geographie: plains like in Scotland, oceans and in the middle tropic rainforests with palm trees
species: insects, human like creatures with wings who are moch more developed than we (e.g. time-machines, colonizating other planets,...)
sector: 4

1,252 posts

Planet name: klaxiton
Po****tion: around 1.5 million total
Geography: lots of grassy mountains and snowy plains with a very strong river going across half the planet at least. a 200 mile line of impassably desert. the other side of the planet has no trees or any landscape just waistlands.
hollow men: have no intelligent mind but they look like what we would think are zombies. they never seem to gain or lose any po****tion. they are slow but travel in hordes. they live in the wasteland area.
jidain: 3 gods that rule all the klaxinions. There is Manotin the ferryman, godfred to living, sifina the dead.
klaxitons: very intelligent pacifists that live in a great utopia and know nothing of hardships from their lifetime but are trained to fight in case war comes to them. live in oposite side of hollow men.
Sector: 1

we abandon the life form creator project and create a new interstellar vehicle.

now send a small groop of klaxinions and Hollow men with the 4th jidain ever on a mission to get to a planet in the core.

ETA: ???

we now send a signal to any planets in receiving distance that we have a surplus of minerals that can be bought.

38 posts

The XSC has begun production of a prototype WJE, a starship system that would allow instantaneous travel from one end of the galaxy to the other and beyond. Once again, the same scientist broadcasts this information on the omunication frequencies, only this time it's purposeful. He connects the radio to all known frequencies, and broadcasts that he and his coleagues are crating the device. He also explains what they still need in order to finish the device.

38 posts

The WJE (abbreviaton for Wormhole Jump Engine)
The WJE is the most complex piece of technology ever attempted so far. The device creates two small balck holes that are completely deprived of their usual gravitaional pull: one in front of the user's ship, and the oher at the destination. The black holes are connected as wormholes. As a ship passed through one, it would end up at the other instantaneously. This would allow for any ship using it to travl to even the most distant galaxies in a split second. All one really needs is an adequate power supply and the coordinates of the destination point. Ships using a WJE cannot be intercepted by orbital or free-floating defense systems. A smaller version is also under development for indivdual use.
Production start date: Earth Date May 14, 2034
Experimental Stage: 1 2 3 4
Estimated Earth Date of completion: July 1, 2036
By the way, so as to prevent any hostile civilizations from being ae to use it, the scientist broadcasting the information did NOT give away the element that makes the whole thing work.

38 posts

One more thing. This situation also better explains Zak's complete annihilation: his ship was carrying 10 stolen 20lb charges of S-TNT-RDX. Your Shrieker missiles just so hapened to activate ALL of the detonators. Thankfully for you, Maverick(and likely thankfully for me, too), the explosion, despite its incredible power, still was not large enough to cause any damage to anything other than his ship. However, the explosion created a heat signature that could be detected on planets as far away as Cronus, proving S-TNT-RDX's incredible power.

And, as it turns out, one of the charges survived the blast, detonator unactivated, and is now falling down towards the surface of Machinae. However, its detonator and the canister containing the explosive are damaged beyond repair, and are specially protected by anti-scanning fields and super-magnetic seals(the generators of both contained within the canister itself), preventing replication of the weapon. However, the detonator can still be set to blow after a set amount of time.(in other words, Maverick, your robots just got their hands on a miniature nuclear bomb.).

38 posts

After a serious delay in the device's programming, one man on Xaneisis has finally managed to get the WJE to work properly. With the project completed, anyone who has one attatched to their ship can enjoy the frredom to go anywhere unhindered.
By the way, I've noticed that the thread has become awfully quiet. If it's because i posted too often, I'll try to restrain myself in the future.

1 posts

Planet name: The Geos Cloud
Population: 893,846,895,956,895,634,164,9658,895,647
Wild life: 0
Geography: A cresant shaped chunk, with small to medium sized astroids. Was once the size of Earth until a meteor crashed into it, blasting of roughly 75% of the planets mass.
Giant robot Cintepeads
Tech level: 3
Sector: 13

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