after a very romantic dinner, you are driving home with your girlfriend when you recieve a call. its your OTHER girlfriend. " o hold on i gotta take this call its my other girlfriend" you say. your girlifriend immediately slaps you, dumps you, and gets out of the car at the nearest gas station......
1. Say you bought her some chocolates, but ate them all 2. Bring your friend (and his date) with you, and decide you like his date better. 3. Make a painting for her, a painting of your ex. 4. Go to a fancy restaurant, and forget your wallet. 5. Ask her a ton of questions, then ask the same ones again. And again. And again. 6. Say you are going to your favorite place to get food, which happens to be McDonalds. 7. If it's a blind date, show relief when you see her and say "Oh, good, you're a lot fatter than the last girl" 8. If you do number 4, pretend to go to the bathroom and sneak out. 9. Throw up. 10. Start a food fight.