I just started copy and pasting code I found around the web. I then started to analyze it and learn more about what it was doing. I've built up a lot of my knowledge on Actionscript from just looking at it and playing around with it.
I just come up with ideas for games, and try to bug my boyfriend to make them, lol. I came up with one I thought was really good last night, and he is just not enthusiastic about it. So I wish I could make those ideas myself, but I am very limited in my knowledge of Flash. I used it somewhat in school, but not to make games. Since then, I have had only one lesson in actionscript. I would probably try and make my own games if I could actually afford Flash.
Yer, Flash is expensive. Damn you, corporate market!
... Oh wait, I'm pro-greed. But anyways, I don't do actionscript, I do VB, C++, a little bit of Javascript, and a bunch of HTML coding for the school. And with that kind of access, our senior prank is going to be amazing.
I used GameMaker when I was 9/10 yrs old. when I was 11 my cousin told me about flash. At 12 yrs old I started playing round with basic AS 2.0 code. I decided to learn AS 3.0 properly then and I'm still learning. I learnt HTML in a week last Febuary holiday. Last month I wanted to start learning C or C++ and PHP and JavaScript. Yesterday I got a whole load of books from the library and started learning c, c++, php and javascript. so will know all them
Started with the worst game ever in a Digital Media Development class in school.
You were an ant at a picnic, get sandwiches, avoid insecticide. Get enough sandwiches gain a level, get more sandwiches while avoiding insecticide =P
Problem is I was an absolute fail and couldn't figure out how to make the path of my insecticide random and so the paths of the insecticide in every level was mapped out and you could memorize it...
It was way too hard, I made 6 levels no one ever got past 3 not even me xD
Also, I found that C programming isn't that awfully hard!
No it's not. Not at all.
I currently haven't got Flash. However, since I'm moving house I'm finding a lot of stuff to sell so it might be worth buying a copy of Flash. Afterall, if I can get good enough games I could start getting money and a profit is always excellent!
Since I don't have Flash at the moment I'm working on Python, Java and a bit of Javascript.
I originally Copied code from teh web, then I found C programming, boy I love C programming lol. and then I boght adobe, and sometimes I HATE adobe >_>
I started out working with Visual Basic for a school class. After building about 50 calculators for the class, I pretty much finished the year class in a semester. Since we had computers with Flash, I started to work with it, and did tutorials and other stuff. And then, of course, is the great and all-powerful GOOGLE.