Just say if you're friends with the above user and remember to type why you're his/her friend.
I have no idea who Matty360 is? Do you want to be friends?
No, we are not friendziez, although I want to be friends.
actually, yes
your weird i dont know if i want to be friends with you
who the heck are you? (no offense)
No I do not know him \\\\\\\\ --------->////
I've talked with Miguelin a little bit before, but I don't really know him. So, no.
Yes, I am friends with both miguelin11 and Fyrefox.
I just noticed he added me without asking so I added him as well.I haz need more fwendz!
Yeah, why not....
y mi.
no i dont know you second time i see you now
No not really but I dont dislike him he's pretty cool and we have sort of chatted before.
no :/
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