Just say if you're friends with the above user and remember to type why you're his/her friend.
Nope never heard of you.
hm.. you forget people that fast? O.oand NO.
I know me.
Umm I don't think so no.
I'm not friends but I do know him^Hiiiiii
Not friends but I do recognize him.
Not really
I don't know
Meh, We don't talk much. Or... at all.We're in Switzertland (neutral).
nopei do happen to know you are the manta though
Oh? How'd you figure that one out?same answer as Graham
So you know Graham is the manta? :-P Um, yeah. I try and be friends with everyone who isn't...stupid is a nice word for it. Like not NES stupid, like...dumb*** stupid.
Uhh, not really no.
I am friends with no one, nor am I particularly drawn to society as a whole.
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