I'm guessing most of you know how to play this. If this is already a thread, please delete it. If it's in the wrong section, please move it. I have not seen a thread like this and I think I put it in the right place. Monkey Metric
10/10 i loved that game! The Egg.
3/10. Didn't like itBattleground states 2008.
6/10 Like it, but its a copy of World Wars.Sea of Fire
8/10Crush the castle
7/10 Like the 2 much more.Crush the castle 2
9/10Very good
Since tomer didn't put a game, I'll go with Spores. 9.5/10Hands of War
I wrote a review for that once. It needs more polish, but I did like the fact it had multiple factions. 8/10Echoes - Operation Stranglehold OR One Step Back.Choice is good.
8/10Lets see what people rate .... Raze
10/10!!!Obvisouly that's a 10/10 Ctc2 is an epic game!Sydney/Miami Shark
That's a fine game. 8/10Chaos Faction 2
good 8/10learn to fly
7/10Epic War 4
6/10 The game is very heavy and the characters are too big.This is the onlt level too
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