I'm guessing most of you know how to play this. If this is already a thread, please delete it. If it's in the wrong section, please move it. I have not seen a thread like this and I think I put it in the right place. Monkey Metric
A classic waiting to happen. 9/10Colony
10/10Pillage the Village
2/10 very lousy.Oiligarchy
One of the first addicting games I've played here. 10/10SteamBirds
8/10 excelent game but it is a bit buggy and ther is one level that is simply impossible.Rate the above users fame.
8/10, but that's a forum game.Balloon in a Wasteland
ooo 9/10 i loved that game.antbuster
7/10. Not bad, but not great.Achievement Unlocked 2
8.5/10Good game, but I like John better when he's not meddling with elephants...Coma
Pretty good.7/10.The Majesty Of Colors
I didn't care much for that one. 5/10Give Up, Robot
6/10. It was okay, but no real feeling about it one way or the other. Silent Conversation
Not bad. 7.5/10Exit Path
9/10 That game brought me to AGAxis Football league
5/10I don't play that...Sonny 2
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