I'm guessing most of you know how to play this. If this is already a thread, please delete it. If it's in the wrong section, please move it. I have not seen a thread like this and I think I put it in the right place. Monkey Metric
I'm not really into that game so 6/10Monsters Den
Good. Lacking in animation though. 8/10 Field Command 2
Great! Too short though. 7.75/10Field Command 3
Like the others, great! 8/10 Mardek
Liked it!Too short though. 7/10Mardek 2
Good. Very good RPG. 8/10 Smileys War
I must replay to myself.Good game. Very enjoyable. 8.5/10 Tactical Assassin
Good if your into the first one, then others follow are good. 7.5/10 Aether
?/10Boxhead 2Play
Good. 7.5/10 Grid16
Good. 7.5/10
8.5 great. [b] Fancy Pants
Great game. 8.5/10 Five Til
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