I'm guessing most of you know how to play this. If this is already a thread, please delete it. If it's in the wrong section, please move it. I have not seen a thread like this and I think I put it in the right place. Monkey Metric
i love open doors 8/10plop plop lite :P
2.314/10 that was an abominationEnQbate
Pretty fun time waster...7/10Thing Thing 4
Don't really like the series...6.5/10Stickman Sam 3
8.5/10 I liked that game! =)Free Rider 2
Epic! 9/10 Commando 2
that game is my fave 9/10 \\ \\\\ \\\\\\music catch 2
Great music! 9/10 Rage 3
6.5/10 I never really liked the "Rage" Games.Line Runner
Difficult. 7.5/10 Armor Trigger 2
Liked the first one better...6/10Fancy Pants 2
Excellent! Art looks great. 9/10 Tainted Kingdom
Not so great. 6.5/10Field Command
Good. 8/10 Boxhead The Rooms
10/10 awesome gamesonny 2
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