I'm guessing most of you know how to play this. If this is already a thread, please delete it. If it's in the wrong section, please move it. I have not seen a thread like this and I think I put it in the right place. Monkey Metric
That is what its called, anyways it was fun and hard. 7.5/10Extreme Hangman
Kinda boring 5.5/10I am Godzilla
I am impartial to that game 5/10Medieval Rampage
It is a very fun game. 8/10Crush the Castle
7.5/10 very good gameWarfare 1917
Not one of my fave games but still kinda fun 6.314/10The Last Stand 2
10/10. Wonderful!Five Minutes to Kill Yourself
Whoops, stupid me.Pillage the Village.
It was really fun. 8/10A Small Favor
Not played it. ?/10Gemcraft chapter 0.Rating less than 9 gets you Falcon Punched. Less than 5 and IMMA FIRE MAH LAZOR at you.
10/10 it my faved gamesonny 2
Played it,but I dont relly see whats so great about, but I admit it is a good game and I like it.Chronotron
Interesting concept but kinda boring after a while fun graphics though 7.314/10Telepath Psy Arena
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