I'm guessing most of you know how to play this. If this is already a thread, please delete it. If it's in the wrong section, please move it. I have not seen a thread like this and I think I put it in the right place. Monkey Metric
Quite good.. 7/10Monster vs Alien
Platform Racing 2 is the best game for me 10/10
sonny 2 too
Im guessing Sonny 2 is the game I'm suppose to rate, its 10/10Amorphous Plus
7.9/10It was alright. Weird-looking dude shown from the top with a giant sword cutting a bunch of different-colored blobs. Yay.Mushroom Revolution
It was ok. A basic tower defence game. 7.5/10Tower Bloxx
Not that much of a fan7/10Thing Thing Arena 2
I don't really like the repetitive killing in the Thing Thing series. 6/10Light-bot
Light-bot is great for getting you thinking. 8/10Bubble Tanks 2
gets kinda boringspear & katana
It was fun for a while but kinda boring and it didn;t impress me. 6.314/10
dude thats not here.A Small Favor
Sorry forgot a game...Death Dice Overdose
damn didnt know Pixie214 posted before me.anyway good but madness is everywhere. 9.5/10Sonny 2
sonny 2 is great! 9/10VR defender
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