I'm guessing most of you know how to play this. If this is already a thread, please delete it. If it's in the wrong section, please move it. I have not seen a thread like this and I think I put it in the right place. Monkey Metric
Oops! I forgot a game!Shift 4
9/10Learn to Fly
It was a very fun game and the achievements are cool. In some ways it is like Hedgehog Launch but in other ways it is very different. 9/10Tower Bloxx
really nice game 8/10Warfare 1917
It was ok. Personal I am not a fan of the Gemcraft series. 8.5/10Crazy Cube
Hey i'm sorry but I've never heard of Crazy Cube.I guess since it's used at 3/10Last Stand
Very cool game but not as good as the second still a great atmoshere. 9.314/10Roman Rumble
It is an alright game. could be improved greatly though. 5.5/10Sports Balance
Danget, I got ninja'd. Platform Racing is really fun. 8/10And again:Sports Balance
Really simple game 4.0Bowmaster prelude
5/10Hedgehog Launch
5.5/10 to fast and i played it alotSonny 2
7/10 I dont quite like shooting games. Learn To Fly !
8/10 Good but challenging for me.Choose Your 2012
Nice game but the time limit is very annoying. 7.5/10The Budget Invasion
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