I'm guessing most of you know how to play this. If this is already a thread, please delete it. If it's in the wrong section, please move it. I have not seen a thread like this and I think I put it in the right place. Monkey Metric
interesting spin on a classic game 7.5/10Goal In One
5 out of 10dogfight2
It was pretty fun. 7.5/10Clear Vision 2
I gotta say Clear Vision 2 was way to short for how good it was. So it's probably around 8/10Red Moon
Pretty good.. 7/10Knights Castle
Okay Game...Mastermind World Conqueror
8/10My game is: (oh, its in code.. sorry...ezam noen
If you mean by
My game is: (oh, its in code.. sorry...ezam noen
Great, but no replay value for me. 7/10Sinjid
Not my type of game but its a great game. 7/10Music in motion
Needs more thorough understanding of the levels, and too short 6/10Music Catch 2
Its awesome but each time you just keep on going but it just gets harder.. but overall its a great game. 7/10Death vs Monstars
pretty good, 7/10 gameCrunchball 3000
Crunchball 3000 is a great game. 9/10Chaos Faction
chaos faction is good 9/10fancy pants 2
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