/idea from DB05. I asked for his permission to make this thread.Just post something that you think the user that posted above you is known for./inb4 someone says known for making lame forum games.
Known for noticing a lot of things.
Known for posting a lot while I was afk
Known for being somewhat new, but staying active.
I think I'll rejoin this thread.
Known for rejoining the thread for the greater good.
Welcome back!
Known for welcoming me back.
Known for almost being not-new
Known for thinking I'm new. You know, whenever I reached 2,000, I thought this sort of thing would end. I am not new!
Known for thinking that is not new.
Known for actually being pretty new.
Known for nearing 10,0000 posts.
Known for being totally not new at all /saarcasm
Known for having that green dragon as an armatar.
Known for switching armatars a lot.
Known for not changing his armatar once, since i first came to AG.
Known for not knowing that I have only changed armatars twice. Once into the very first one (armored guy staring at the sun). Then again right before you came, into the presents.
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