/idea from DB05. I asked for his permission to make this thread.Just post something that you think the user that posted above you is known for./inb4 someone says known for making lame forum games.
Known for still using a Christmas armatar.
Known for not liking to use seasonal armatars, even though he made them.
Known for using an armatar that represents the past season.
Known for using an armatar that represents no season.
Known for having 303 in his username.
Known for being legendary.
Known for having an armatar that should represent the Sushi Cat-apult game. Though, it's a sun.
Known for thinking that's true. Maybe its a sun that's in Sushi Cat-apult. (If there's one :3 )
Known for nearing the 1,000 post milestone.
Known for almost reaching 4k posts. What means that you will become an old user.
Known for being old AG user but new to forums :3
Known for changing armatar again and again and again and again.
Known for over reacting. I changed like 2 weeks ago last time. And i guess more people know me by ninja
Know for being a ninja
Know for being a sun! (LOL)
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