/idea from DB05. I asked for his permission to make this thread.Just post something that you think the user that posted above you is known for./inb4 someone says known for making lame forum games.
Known for being a legendary knight!
Known for being legendary but not yet a knight.
Known for having exactly 6590 posts on December 9, 2015.
Known for being new in the forums.
Known for having a skull on his armatar!
Known for being a shadow.
Known for having a colour and a number in his username
Is known for saying "Yay!" frequently.
Known for being funny sometimes
Known for posting 1,000 times in the last 4 months.
Known for being a skull
Known for using the tongue emoticon a lot.
Known for having the skull armatar.
Known for being a legend!
Know for the epic forum games postings....
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