/idea from DB05. I asked for his permission to make this thread.Just post something that you think the user that posted above you is known for./inb4 someone says known for making lame forum games.
Known for posting in the FGs a lot
known for being in the top 150 on the all-time hero board
known for indirectly reminding everyone of the radioactive armatar from a seasonal in 2014
i couldnt wait for someone to realize and post that fact...
Is known for making unnecessary, borderline spam threads that claim to have found some sort of fault (that is always laughibly trivial) with the website.
Known for having an Alric armatar
Known for not knowing that the hero is in fact called Grawl, not Alric.
Known for being kinda a jerk, No offense but if your joking it doesn't seem like it :/
Known for being a Lady (hey, SportShark, when I posted that, you was wearing Alric's armatar!)
Know for being active and extremely nice! :3 (btw if it was up to me you would Atleast be a knight)
Known for being somewhat new and creating a few forum games.
Known for loving the color red.
Known for posting while 50 ft up in a tree.
Known for being "error 303: red not found"
Known for posting the most on this site.
Known for using a rare skull armatar
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