Lim Ding Wen is currently 9 years old and is very interested in programming. He started programming at 7 and is the world youngest Apple IIGS and iPhone programmer.
Ding Wen is now an iPhone, Android and Java ME developer, with his software Doodle Kids available in Apple App Store and Android Market.
Ding Wen can program in Java, JavaScript and ActionScript. He also understand Applesoft BASIC, GSoft BASIC, Complete Pascal, Orca/Pascal and is now learning Objective C.
Ding Wen is a Malaysian living in Singapore. He is currently hosting The Apple IIGS Show with his sister in YouTube, teaching kids software and programming for the Apple IIGS.
Ding Wen first ActionScript program - which shows his love for the Apple IIGS. He has since written Car and Snow, both excellent replacement for his Apple IIGS demos.
I've tried his Doodle Kids thing, and to tell you the truth it's not that great. I mean sure it's cool that he's 9 and was able to make it, but it was annoying how highly people rated it. The apps are supposed to be rated on quality, not how impressive the developer is.
Really depend if his parents forced him to program then I don't see how hard it could be. I guess when your younger it's easier to wrap you head around it and if you spend all day doing it.
That is very impressive. I only started programming less than a year ago. (unless learning HTML counts, as i started with that two years ago and it's basic) and i'm only 14.
[quote=Gametesta]Learning to program is much more complicated that learning to play instruments.[/quote]
Are you kidding me??? Do you play any instruments? Not to play like Mozart did!!! Do you have any idea how long it even takes to reach a grade 10 level of piano, let alone the highest levels? Argh. Maybe that makes sense if you're playing the recorder, or maybe even the kazoo.
There's a lot of logic involved in programming that you can't understand so young, unlike music, which feels natural to some. I've seen good drummers with 3 ~ 4, years
Not to downplay music, it just has a lot more to do with feeling than thinking
There's a lot of logic involved in programming that you can't understand so young, unlike music, which feels natural to some. I've seen good drummers with 3 ~ 4, years
Not to downplay music, it just has a lot more to do with feeling than thinking
I agree, music is just kind of natural after awhile. And for some people it's naturally right away, especially if you start early. I think it's sort of like the language thing in kids. A little child can learn any language very easily, and music is sort of like a language.
Who ever said being an 11 Year Old Programmer is impossible? If you just put your mind in to it You'll get the hang of it! Heck, I started to sing when i was 3! Eventually my voice got better by the day.