+300 Strength +65 Speed +50 Instinct +50 Focus -200 Health To Partners +400 Health to yourself +120 Shadow Piercing +120 Physical Piercing -30 Fire Defense Sonny is able to carry this.. he has been working out lately and by this point can pick up an elephant, You become more agile by this magical tree but it infects your friends causing them to lose health each fight.
You know the story, everyone does, it gave its apples to zombies so that they could replenish half their health fight anti-infection corporations and magical creatures!
Grab an apple, taking tree takes it back, taking taking tree takes the taking tree, and smacks the taking tree for the damage taking tree took from you!
This weapon is so heavy it crashes the game and when you load the game again it will say you have won the game. The catch; It costs 12000000000000000 Dollars. Good luck xD
Why waste your time on the ''Modified Modifying Modifier'' when you can have this, it will modify your weapon, making it a lot stronger then any weapon on the game except the ''oBLITERAtizartionanazationtionerzzzation''.
This...*repeats title* will modify your weapon/armor/equipment/item into something so strong it will be even stronger than the ''oBLITERAtizartionanazationtionerzzzation''.
The blade inside a sword bought from miniature people inside a sword at a sword shop that fought with swords and the winner's sword was cut in half because it was 20 ft long and shrunk themselves and went inside and got this Sword Level 30 weapon
1,500-1,600 dmg per hit +500 physical piercing
So tiny, that's why it is so sharp. It's also long, so it reaches through the whole body