Death Knell Alpha Level 30 Primary Arms Strength + 250 Speed + 125 Physical Piercing +250 Instinct + 125 Appearance: Long, dark blue meat cleaver with glowing silver edges
Death Knell Beta Level 30 Secondary Arms Speed + 125 Instinct + 125 Shadow Piercing + 250 Cosmic Piercing + 250 Appearance:Long, glowing silver meat cleaver with dark blue edges
Death Knell Gamma
Level 30 Bodywear
Speed + 50 Strength + 50 Instinct + 50 Physical Piercing + 50 Shadow Piercing + 50 Cosmic Piercing + 50 Vitality + 50 Focus +50 Appearance: Riot Armour with the same colour scheme as DN Alpha
Death Knell Delta Level 30 Leggings Speed +50 Strength + 50 Instinct + 50 Physical Piercing + 50 Shadow Piercing + 50 Cosmic Piercing + 50 Focus + 50 Appearance: Riot Legggings with the same colour scheme as DN Beta
Death Knell Epsilon Level 30 Headwear Speed +50 Strength + 50 Instinct + 50 Physical Piercing + 50 Shadow Piercing + 50 Cosmic Piercing + 50 Vitality + 50 Appearance: Vision of Clemons with the same colour scheme as DN Alpha
Death Knell Zeta Level 30 Footwear Speed +50 Strength + 50 Instinct + 50 Physical Piercing + 50 Shadow Piercing + 50 Cosmic Piercing + 50 Focus + 50 Appearance: X5C8 - 5 with the same colour scheme as DN Beta
Death Knell Eta Level 30 Gloves Speed +50 Strength + 50 Instinct + 50 Physical Piercing + 50 Shadow Piercing + 50 Cosmic Piercing + 50 Vitality + 50 Appearance: Royal Grips with the same colour scheme as DN Alpha
When all of the Death Knell set is brought together, they add the ability 'Armageddon Strike' to your ability pool.
Armageddon Strike Shadow/Cosmic Damages the opponent for 200% of your Speed, Strength and Instinct. Has a 20% cast "Abyss" on the target. This stuns them for 5 turns and prevents healing. It also cannot be dispelled. CD:10 Costs 250 focus
This may be slightly OP. Comments please.
Death Knell Alpha and Beta can be replaced with:
Omega Runeblade Strength = 0 Speed - 150 Instinct + 1000 All Piercing + 12521531215321. Appearance: Runeblade, but double the length and with more emphasis on the glowing circles than the blade.