Just some gloves. They don't seem to do much. POWERx100000 *Special Effect* When you hit someone, with any part of your body, while wearing the Gloves, they are at your command. The Gloves also allow you to fly, pass through walls, and generate matter at will. They also can control gravity.
2x4 This legendary sword has infinite power, and has been known to destroy black holes and fight Chuck Norris 1 on 1 and not have a dent in its blade when finished. It looks like a 2x4. A REALLY DANGEROUS 2x4. Damage: Infinite. Level: >9007 Rating: See damage/5
(the)Qwertyblade Type: Yes, it does, in any language you want. Info: This blade was forged from keyboards and broken fragments of glass from shattered computer monitors. Still has USB connection, and can function as a normal keyboard. STATS: Dependent upon class. All classes get +100 efficiency. HACKER: +5 Ingenuity, +20 Reflexes. Grants "Firebreaker" attack. USER: +10 Knowledge, +40 Simplicity. Grants "Hotkeys" attack. PROGRAMMER:+10 Ideas, +30 Bug Patches. Grants "Beta_Test" attack. ADMIN: + 15 Security, +12 Authority. Grants "Permissions" attack. NETWORKER: +53 Net Speed, + 20% H. Resist. Grants "Interneters" attack.
Ingenuity: Determines how many attempts can be made before you're forced to flee. Reflexes: The speed at which the Hacker types. Essential. Firebreaker: Can be used ONCE per Break-In. Bypasses firewalls and allows Hacker to skip a codefight. I'll finish later.
+999 Health +999 Strength +999 Agility +999 Chance +999 Intelligence +999 ZOMGNESS +999 Heroism -999 Fun
Special: Can summon the ZOMG God. One use only. When done, turns into a Heavy Blade
A grand weapon with limitless power and has been known to be able to summon the ZOMG God. However, only the greatest of blacksmiths can create such an awesome weapon.