Well since the last Make Your own Weapon was forgotten, I decided to revive it.Giant CorndogLevel 17 Two-Handed Arms+ 63 Strength+ 24 VitalityIt's a giant corndog you found on the road, Looks like it isn't edible, But it's great for hitting stuff though.
E.M.P grenadesLevel 30 Arms+999 InstinctThis is the other way.
StropLevel "IT'S OVER 9000!!!" AllyHe'll whack anyone with his banhammer. A hit with the banhammer does 80% of the opponents health in damage. To bad you can only use it once.
UbertuneLevel "Irony" AllyHe'll whack anyone with his banfish. A hit with the banfish causes the enemy to faint immediately from bad smell.
Sorry, meant Ubertuna.
CarlieLevel "Uber" AllyShe'll destroy anything in sight! Uses the power of administration to do 500% damage of all her stats against all enemies. It can be used twice!Hehe... Beat that.The next person will most likely make "John" or "ArmorGames"
Suicidal ElephantLevel 1 AllyHe kills himself. Good thing he has endless respawns. Good damage decoy.
Suicidal PINK ElephantLevel 5 AllyHe kills himself... A LOT. But he can respawn endlessly. When enemies attack him, he dies but does fire damage to the attacker.
Suicidal Multi-color ElephantLevel 15 AllyHe kills himself whenever an enemy attacks him, but he can respawn endlessly. When an enemy attacks him, they become confused and hit random targets (including himself and teammates)
Suicidal Rick Rolling ElephantLevel "Rick Roll'd" AllyHe plays multiple Rick Roll videos in order to aggravate enemies to attack him, if they do he kills himself and explodes kiling the attacker.
Elephant RaveLevel 30 ItemKeep this in your inventory to double the life of all your elephant allies and double their damage as well.
Elephant RapeLevel 50 ItemWhile this is in your inventory after each battle your elephant allies will rape each other and create offspring.
No Comment SignLevel 100 ItemExpress your feelings with this sign!*raises*
Pikachu Zombie Brains EaterLevel 100 ItemNot even Sonny can escape the power of a Pichu trying to eat his braaaaiiiinssssssessss.
NotebookLevel 1 Primary Arms +20 strength-5 speedoh no we have to study!....ugh I'm using this as a weapon...
C4 mk.IIlvl 30 item.ronald's modified version of C4.on use everyone gets 1 hp. to bad it's one use only.
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