ForumsForum GamesCreate a Sport

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5,860 posts

You have to create a sport. Me and someone else will judge to see whos is the best. The winner could possibly recieve a merit, but I'm not sure yet. Here is what you have to fill out about your sport.

Sex: (do both sexes play it together, seperately, does only one sex play it...)
Team or individual
How many players at once
All misc. info

I will be a judge and if anyone else wants to judge let me know. The deadline for the contest is July 26th

  • 41 Replies
4,682 posts


Please at least ask me if you can copy what I did.

353 posts

Please at least ask me if you can copy what I did.

You made a contest where you create a sport? Or are you referring to your movie thread?


Also about the contest. I am working on one, but might not finish it, since it needs images for the Ball (like soccerball, baseball etc) feild and the other objects you need to use it.
20,591 posts

Please at least ask me if you can copy what I did.

You think asked me if they could create RPGs after I created the first RPG.

jdogg, I would love to be a judge but I might be busy with tennis' contest.

Also, could the entry be similar to a real sport?
20,591 posts

You think asked me if they could create RPGs after I created the first RPG.

I meant "You think people asked me"

Also about the contest. I am working on one, but might not finish it, since it needs images for the Ball (like soccerball, baseball etc) feild and the other objects you need to use it.

The entry form doesn't require pictures, I think...
4,682 posts

Alright fine. You can keep going with this. I will try to get an entry in.

5,860 posts

firetail it can be similar but it might effect how good it does in the contest.

If there is a merit prize, it will just be for 1st place, but i will also tell you who got 2nd and 3rd.

Firetail are you going to be a judge?

353 posts

The entry form doesn't require pictures, I think...

It will help alot of knowing about the game, and be more educated about it so you don't mess up the original concept because of lack of that stuff.
5,579 posts

Name: Lifeball
Sex: Both
7 players/ side
15 mins/Period
7 Periods
There are 7 players per side. There are two offense, three defense, one goalie, and one enforcer. This is a contact sport, so padding is required. The padding is similar to american football, just not as blatant. The enforcer is the only one allowed to rough up other players. This is a goal sport, played an a dirt field, with islands of grass in each corner, as well as one in the middle. First team to 12 points is a period wins. If no one gets that many (unlikely that they will) then after 15 minutes, the period is over. Whoever wins 4 periods first, wins. It is played with hands, feet, and a stick given to the enforcer and defense. The goal is 4 foot high x 7 foot wide. The field is 75 foot wide x 275 foot wide. The goals are in a rectangular prism shape. There are four lines on the field. One midline, two third lines, and a line running the length of the field going from one goal to the other. There is also a a goal box, which the goalie CANNOT go out of. Also, players CANNOT go into. There are circles surrounding each island. There are 6 different offenses, listed as minor, major and severe. Minor are: Offsides: Same as hockey or soccer. Crossing the goal line: Player crosses goal box line. Disorderly Conduct: Offense physically attacks the defense. All minor offenses punishable by a 2 minute penalty of the offending player. Major are: Disorderly Conduct (Major): Any defensive player attacks the referee or another defensemen. Any player attacks a goalie. Verbal Abuse: Foul mouths any player or the referee. Verbally assaults an opposing player with threats. Distracts goalie allowing for goal. All major offenses are punishable by a 4 minute penalty of the offending player(s) and an automatic point. Severe: Game Misconduct: Commits 3 of the above offenses at the same time. Assaults another player or referee causing injury. Punihable by loos of the period and permanent banning of the player from the game. Calls for disciplinary action of the offending player(s).

That's my sport : )!

5,860 posts

That sounds cool TSL3. You can draw pictures and it would help i guess.

5,860 posts

Here is my sport! It doesn't enter the contest, its just for fun. Tell me what you think of it.

Name: Hanging
Sex: Both
8 players, 1 at a time
Objective: To get the most points
Judging/Refereeing: 3 judges
Time: 30 minutes
Periods/Quarters/Half: 8 rounds 1 for each player.

There are 8 rounds in this sport, 1 player goes each round. 1 player is hanging from 2 rings. You start with your body in a 30 ft. deep pool, then you are raise to 8 feet above the pool. You raise slowly the whole competition. About a foot a minute. You stop rising once you get to the 15th minute. That is at 23 feet in the air, since you start 8 feet in the air. While your a hanging you can do tricks to help you get points. A perfect score would be 100 points. There are 3 judges to decide how much points you get. You get 1 point for every minute you are hanging, and if you stay hanging for the full 30 minutes, you get a bonus 20 points. You also get up to 40 points for tricks on the rings. The last 10 points are for your drop off. You drop off into the pool, each person has their own section 15 x 15 feet. This point system is like for diving. A good trick and clean dive could get you 7 or 8 points. Lots of very good tricks and a clean dive could get you 9 or 10 points. There are 3 judges to decide how much points you get. One judge keeps track of time, to see how much time points you get. The second and 3rd judge both juge the players tricks and drop-off. They decide their points at the end of the round.

That's my game tell me how you like it.

5,579 posts

I don't think I could draw a picture. . . I suck at drawing. . . .

5,043 posts

Moving to forum games.

8,570 posts

Name: Electroball
Sex: Both
7 players per team.
Objective: To smack the Electroball onto the Score Board.
Judging/Refereeing: 2 Referees, who judge if you have broken a rule and give you a penalty.
Time: 1 hour, but in the case of a tie, you get an extra 1 minute to score.
Periods/Quarters/Halftime: Halftime, but if a player is seriously injured the Referees can temporarily stop the game.

There are 7 players per team: 2 Scorers(tries to get the ball and slam it on the board), 1 Assistant(helps Scorers), 2 Brawlers(Beat up the other team and defend your team), and 1 Defender(stays at the board and tries to stop the other team from scoring). Everybody has jetpacks, because the scoreboard is 500 feet in the air. Nobody can punch/kick/bite etc except the Brawlers. The Electroball is in the middle of the air. Scorers are the only ones allowed to touch it. Once they grab it, their jetpacks immediately stop working and they plunge to the ground. The Assistant's job is to catch the Scorer and lift them to the scoreboard in the center of the field. The Scorer's jetpack continues working when they lose the Electroball. Brawlers try to get the Scorer to drop the Electroball or the Assistant to drop the Scorer. Dropping or passing the Electroball is against the rules.Players can get burns from the Electroball.Scores are worth 10 points. If a team gets 500 points ahead of the other team they automatically win. Penalties for cheating or breaking the rules include leaving the game, losing points, getting dropped from the scoreboard, and waiting for a certain amount of time. The Electroball is in fact a tiny little square full of electricity so it can disable the jetpack and so the scoreboard can register the points.

Fictional Electroball Fun Fact: Scorers have square gaps in the palm of their glove so that they can get the Electroball. You can always tell a hardcore Electroball scorer from the square brown or black patch on the center of their palm. It's from the Electroball.
Fictional Electroball Fun Fact: About 10 years after Electroball was invented, people started putting Electroballs all over themselves to try and get a tan. A small amount of people who put the Electroball on their heads for a long amount of time severely damaged their brains doing this. It was then outlawed to take an Electroball out of a game arena.
Fictional Electroball Fun Fact: Electroball was banned in schools when a crazed fan jumped off the extremely high bleachers and landed on the Scoreboard just as a Scorer scored. They were electrocuted but survived.

1 posts

HANTIS (short for: Hand-Tennis)
TEAM (2 v 2)
MAX 4 players

OBJ #1: To hit the ball on the opponents table, then the ground (like ping-pong)
OBJ #2: To hit the ball at the opposing player, then the ground (like dodgeball)

Two referees
One for penalties and LOS (line of scrimmage) infractions
The other for score keeping and serve counting

Winner of 1 Match
1 Match = Best of 3 Games
Each Game, first to 21, must win by 2.

Imagine a ping-pong table split into 4 quadrants, spread apart, eliminating the net. Two teams (each consisting of two tables and two players) hit the ball back and forth on the opposing teams sides trying to make it as hard as possible for the other team to return. Each player gets TWO hits and when the ball hits the ground, a table (twice in one possession), or player then ground - 1 point is scored. Double outs are also possible and running through the lanes created by the tables makes it even more dramactic, athletic, and exciting!

1,490 posts

i wanna be a judge

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