ForumsForum GamesCreate a Sport

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You have to create a sport. Me and someone else will judge to see whos is the best. The winner could possibly recieve a merit, but I'm not sure yet. Here is what you have to fill out about your sport.

Sex: (do both sexes play it together, seperately, does only one sex play it...)
Team or individual
How many players at once
All misc. info

I will be a judge and if anyone else wants to judge let me know. The deadline for the contest is July 26th

  • 41 Replies
1,328 posts

Yeah, you kill yourself to win a 5 dollar coupons at Mc'Donalds


88 posts

Bowler Battle. you have to catch the ball when the bowler throws it or you lose 1 life.

948 posts

Death Arena

Sex: Both
Team... 40 players all together.
Objective: Kill all hostiles.
Judging/Refereeing: None.
Time: Until the last enemy on the opposing team drops, or everyone on your team dies.
Periods/Quarters/Halfs: 5 peroids.

All misc. info:

The first 20 vs 20 kill each other with axes.
The survivors of the winning team then make 2 teams from that winning team to fight ( eg. if 8 players won on the winning team the next round would have 4 vs 4 )

The second round = Sharp sticks.
Third round = Rocks.
Fourth round + = bare hands.

This would be such a brutal and gory sport!

The winner wins $200,000. A great game to play in poor country's where people are willing to fight to the death for money! Imagine it coming down to you and your best friend to fight to the death, WITH YOUR BARE HANDS.

...and yes. I am a sick *******.

2,597 posts

The Tournament
Sex: Both
64 Players
Objective:Be the last man standing.
Time:Until there is one person remaining.

All misc. info:
A large arena with weapons around it will have everyone killing each other for a chance of 1 million pounds.

4,049 posts

Objective:Fight for the Ball and bring it to the goal.
Time:90 Minutes
Halfs-2 Halfs per 45 Minutes

This game is only Played by Male People because it includes fighting.
The objective is that each team must fight with there fists or legs to get the ball and score at the goal.
To get a Goal you must tackle the Goalmen into the Goal with the Ball.
The are also Fouls in this game.
There are 3 ways to get a Foul:

-Hit somebody who doesnt have the ball
-Hitting the Player at his Weak Points(At his Down Thing and in the Neck)
-Insult or Hit The Referee.

The Field is the size as a football field.

1 posts

Sex: Both
16 Players
Objective:Capture the flag
Time:15 min.

A team sport with weapons, like swords and arches.

1 posts

Name: Bouyball ( boo-e-ball )
Sex: Both
6 players on each team with one being the goalie
Objective to score as many goals as possible by throwing the ball into the net
Judging/Refereeing: 6 referees: 2 centers and 4 corners
Time: 30 min. =
Periods/Quarters/Half: two 15 min. Halfs

There are 6 players on feild with one of the six being a goalie. The other five players are in either a 3-2 form, 2-3 form, 2-1-2 form, 4-1 form, or 1-4 form. ( with the first number being the forwards and the second being the defenders )The Object of the game is to score as many goals as possible with the goalie in front of the trying to stop the ball from going in. The players are fit with forearm guards, knee guards, shin guards, optional chest guards and helmets, and a mini lacrosse stick that they slip onto the arm used for holding and carrying the ball. The goalie wears the listed plus a required helmet and chest guard and hockey type pad to fit on their hand without the slip-on mini lacrosse stick. The rules are as listed: The goalie may not leave the goalie box, The other players may not enter the goalie box, all the players on the field can only pick up the ball with their mini lacrosse stick, if the ball goes out of bounds or the playing area it is thrown up in the middle of the field the same is done after a goal. The players ( not goalies ) can knock the ball away from the other team's players and can also use a hockey type check to the other team. The players ( not goalies ) following penalties ( which result in a throw-in by the other team ) include: Grappling: Holding onto another players body, jersey, or equipment. Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Arguing with the refs, fighting, and gloating in front of the other team. Slicing: Intentionally hitting the other players with their mini lacrosse stick. These also apply for the goalies.

I know this is way after the deadline ( like 3 years ) but please just take a look.

2 posts

NAME: PLATEBALL (Associated Plateball)
SEX: Both
5-8 players per group
OBJECTIVE: To get the most points on 30-60 minutes
REFEREE: 1 Referee
TIME: 30-60 minutes
PERIODS: Half time (Change court and Goalkeeper)

UNIFORM: Spikes/Running Shoes/Basketball Shoes, Long Socks, T-Shirts, Shorts
COURT: Cemented or Soccer Field 100 by 60 yards
BALL: Frisbee, Table Plate (Plastic), not larger than a regular table plate but not smaller than a Platelet

PlayersPer Team)
1 Goalkeeper: He must prevent the ball from entering the goal, he is only the one authorized to use 2 hands to touch the ball.
2 Stopper : Assists the Goalkeeper from letting the ball enter the

2 posts

NAME: PLATEBALL (Associated Plateball)
SEX: Both
5-10 players per group
OBJECTIVE: To get the most points on 30-60 minutes
REFEREE: 1 Referee
TIME: 30-60 minutes
PERIODS: Half time (Change court and Goalkeeper)

UNIFORM: Spikes/Running Shoes/Basketball Shoes, Long Socks, T-Shirts, Shorts
COURT: Cemented or Soccer Field 100 by 60 yards
BALL: Frisbee, Table Plate (Plastic), not larger than a regular table plate but not smaller than a Platelet

PlayersPer Team)
1 Goalkeeper: He must prevent the ball from entering the goal, he is only the one authorized to use 2 hands to touch the plate.
2-3 Stoppers : Assists the Goalkeeper from letting the platel enter the
2-3 Midservers: Must run and steal and be fast to pass the plate to the Striker/s
1-2 Striker/s : Must throw the plate to the goalpost

1. ONLY the GOALKEEPER must touch the plate with his TWO HANDS
- if other player touch the plate with 2 hands it is considered a yellow card and must give the opposing team a free throw.

2. You can steal by twisting the plate from the holder's hand but he must not touch the hand/arm or any body part of the other player or it is considered a foul (free throw)

3. Ties must be finished by alternate free throw


62 posts

The contest is over but eh well
P.S. Sorry that this is sooooooooo long.

Name: Ruget Ball (Still testing different names)
Sex:Both but seperately
12 players/side
Refereeing: field ref, 2 assistant refs on the sidelines, the 4th official
Time: 90 minutes
Half: 45 minutes/half

This game is a mix of rugby and basketball with a little bit of football (soccer for all you americans out there, not american football.) There are three goals at each end of the pitch, each with it's own box and it's own keeper. The middle goal on each side is smaller and has a larger box. To play the outfield players play a basketball-like game but with minor contact allowed. However, they use a bouncy ball or power ball wich is much smaller, rather than using a basketball. There are two ways of scoring in play. You can eithertry and use your hand to hit the ball into the net with your hand outside the box wich will give your team 2 points. Or you can enter the box, however once you enter the box you cannot exit, you cannot pass the ball and play ends when either, a) You getpast the keeper and dribble into the goal wich will grant your team 3 points, b) the keeper take possesion of the ball, c) you or the keeper knocks the ball out of play resulting either a lineout like you get in rugby, a goal-throw or a corner-throw in, d) the keeper fouls you resulting in a penalty or, e)you take a shot on goal, exit the box, pass or foul the keeper which will result in either a goal-throw or an indirect free-throw.

Upon scoring, you have an oppurtunity to score more points, you will get a conversion. You will stand 20 yards away from theopponments goal-line and will be in-line with the center of which ether goal you scored in. You will attempt to throw the ball at a board directly above the center goal, this is the advantage of scoring in the smaller center goal with the bigger box. If you hit the board, your team will get an extra 2 points.

The fouls and cards are as followed. A yellow card will be given if the player does the following: major contact, arguing with the ref persistantely. If a player gets a yellow card then he will get sent off for 5 minutes. A red card will be given if the player does the following: Extremely major contact, purposely injures a player, rasial abuse, being given a second yellow card. If a player gets a red card, he will be sent off for the rest of the game.

Set pieces are as followed. If the ball is goes of the sideline then the opponment of the team that touched the ball last will get a line-out like the ones in rugby. If the ball goes out of either of the goal lines then if the team that touched the ball last hits the ball out their goal line then the opponment gets a corner throw. If the team that touches the ball last hits the ball out of the opponments goal line then the opponments get a goal throw. If a player fouls another player then the team that gets fouled will get a free throw where they can either try to throw the ball at goal so they can try and score or throw the ball at a teammate as a pass. A penalty is when a keeper fouls a player inside the box. The penalty is a free throw at goal where you stant at the edge of the box and only the keeper can stop the ball from going in.

P.S. Sorry again that it was soooooooooooooooooooooo long!

29 posts

team:10 players
How many players at once:6 players
Objective:Get the most points in the allotted time
Judging:There are 4 reffs 2 on each side of the team
Time: there are 3 15 minute periods

The ball is half the size of a basketball and it ha many holes for easy grip. Before the start of the game 1 player from each team try to catch the ball thrown in the air the person to get it. has the option to start with the ball or give it. There are 6 people on the field at a time.
The Passer- He is the leader, he sets and executes the plays
The Defender- He blocks the passer but can also still get the ball
The Short catchers- The 2 receivers that are close
The Long catchers- The 2 Receivers that are far away
The rusher- The ONLY person that can try to sack the passer
Short defenders- They cover the short catchers
Long defenders- they cover the long catchers
The Hover- he can go anywhere EXCEPT to rush the passer
The keeper- He is the one to stop the team from making a shot in the goal
The field is 100 yards the team has 10 attempts to make it to the 20 yard line or the (green zone) then it doesn't matter but if they don't make it the other team gets get a point a player needs to throw the ball into the goal. If the game ends tied the overtime is golden goal so first point wins.

Light (5-10 yds back)- Unnecessary roughness,offside,pass interference,holding,clock violation,use of feet
Medium (loss of possession)- charging (2 players rushing the Passer), TMA (too many attempts to make it to green zone)
Heavy (penalty shot)-Roughness (shoving,hitting,fighting etc),Yelling at reffs,

Well that's my sport tell me if you like it

Showing 31-41 of 41