On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
8/10 would've been a 9/10 but for some reason you hate me alot
9/10 ; You don't seem to be mean, you use good grammar and you male decent posts.
7/10. You're cool, and I've seen you around some. Although your rank isn't high, you are able to speak coherently. :P So yeah. 7/10!
Icy is Jesus(supposedly), and makes good posts. Plus she's a good friend. 10/10
You are seen quite a bit around everywhere.
1/0 i have no idea
I have alot of respect to you, because I assume you are not afraid to speak your mind! (lol)
Don't know you, thus 5/10
for some reason you hate me alot
Matrix 8/10 a good friend and a very good contributor to AG.
67/10Fairly arbitrary really, I feel like I like you but I can't really remember why.
I don't see you much but you have high rank and posts so...7.9/10
noone above has a life besides being on the commputer and i'm doing this cause their's nothing to do so 3/10
Very little because he can't spell **none** but I think it was an accident.
5/10 but it he ment so say no one. instead of "noone". anyways ive beens seeing you lately
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