On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
You makes okay posts and have a pretty good ranking, but I don't see you too often.
Always pretty positive, nice, see you around quite a bit. 9.10
2/10, 0 being neutral.I don't really know you, but you seem like a legitimate user.
If any1 needs respect it's mommys and daddys out there making life more livable and enjoyable for the curiousity kids come equiped with now a days.
3/10 to new for me to give any credibility
8/10 for being a Christian musician but I don't know you very well.
7/10 iv seen you around fairly alot,keep it up and il give you an 8/10
i dont really know you so i will have to stay neutral. id still give you a 7/10 for some reason XD
Good posts,cool and awesome.9/10
awww thanks i like your posts too and i know your on alot in the forum game section so 9/10 too
Every time I see you posts, you do make good posts. You're also nice to chat with. 9.5/10
I haven't really been on armorgames for long, but since you are a ps3 friend and, as far as i can tell, a nice person I'll give you a 9/10
..have no idea who you are, but because you are new, 7/10
He's not new. He's been here longer than you know. Anyways. I say 5/10. never really see u. and i know somebody's going to give me a bad score because i have been gone for so long.
wow, gold knight. but u stole my friends name:66/100
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