A car of mass 3086lbs accelerates from rest up a smooth slope at an angle of 8/3 point from horizontal with an engine force of 50 horsepower. After 4 seconds, the engine is turned off and the car traverses down a smooth slope at an angle of pi/18 radians from the horizontal. Assuming that the car never veers left or right, what is the total horizontal distance that the car has travelled 10 seconds after it has accelerated from rest?
Also, is it not concievable that nothing beyond the confines of our imagination can be true knowledge?
The word answer has many derivative meanings but in this case, the word answer is used in conjunction with the word question and therefore takes on the meaning of giving the correct response or solution to the problem unless it is expressly written that the 'wrong' answer will be given. Other meanings of answer involve replying to an action or event such as replying to a letter or taking action to prevent future accidents. VillageIdiot must thereforebe able to give the correct answer to every question.
I get the feeling that this is gunna be one of those stupid threads that keep going and going cause ppl keep talking and asking questions....but that WOULD be on topic so the mods wouldn't do anything. So is this thread gunna become one of those? (thats my question)
2 questions Village, one, do you know how to quote?
Second, is there any question without an answer? Good luck with that one, and I don't mean just a question that you can't answer or that we as a collective human race do not know, but is it possible for us to NEVER know something?