ArmorGamer (Just a name, no effect) Rank: Troll, Badger, and Spammer At Once (Ups each 3 levels. ONLY I can change the rank.) Level: 1 (Your level. When XP reaches the given amount, you Level-Up!) XP: 0/10 (Every poster MUST up this by the XP Multiplier once a post.) $$: $0 (Used to buy multipliers. Something happens if you get $1 Million... But focus on the multipliers first.) XP Multiplier: 1 [$50] (Amount of XP you get per post.) $$ Multiplier: 1 [$70] (Amount of money added per post.)
RULES: No spam No spam EVERYBODY uses the exact same sheet. Everyone can upgrade multipliers whenever they want (if they have enough money) except me. Will the first poster remove ALL () parantheses in the sheet?
I'm off to bed. See you tomorrow!
*INSPIRED BY: Firetail-madness's (dead) An Armorgamers Level UP.*
This game will get more fun later on. Here's one secret: Every fifth level, a surprise item will appear in the item shop. It may be a multiplier... or extra XP... or even a free money bonus... or anything else. But one thing is sure: Those items are hella cheap! So work towards them. If you're lucky it can be a whole new tab in the sheet or even a new game mode! That's exactly how the game will develop!
So keep on posting! every 3rd level is a rank, and every 5th level is a shop item! The higher your level, the higher the chance on kickass items! *Keep in mind that every single thing in the item shop except for the money bonuses cost money. And it's not always cheap.*
ArmorGamer Rank: Major SpamBot Level:3 XP: 3/23 $$: $47 XP Multiplier: 1 [$50] $$ Multiplier: 1 [$70]
Yes that 1.5x XP needed thing explained is so that you can change XP needed even when I am not there. And every level you get a bonus of 10x the $$ Multiplier, don't forget that! And now is a good time to say that every participant can upgrade except for me. (Multiplier upgrades will take effect in the posts after the upgrade. The post where a multiplier upgrades still uses the old multiplier.)Don't forget to take the money you spend off the total!
Care to hear a secret? Just 15 Money! Only the next poster can buy this. After that you can't buy this secret anymore. So next poster, decide carefully if you'll buy this!