ArmorGamer (Just a name, no effect) Rank: Troll, Badger, and Spammer At Once (Ups each 3 levels. ONLY I can change the rank.) Level: 1 (Your level. When XP reaches the given amount, you Level-Up!) XP: 0/10 (Every poster MUST up this by the XP Multiplier once a post.) $$: $0 (Used to buy multipliers. Something happens if you get $1 Million... But focus on the multipliers first.) XP Multiplier: 1 [$50] (Amount of XP you get per post.) $$ Multiplier: 1 [$70] (Amount of money added per post.)
RULES: No spam No spam EVERYBODY uses the exact same sheet. Everyone can upgrade multipliers whenever they want (if they have enough money) except me. Will the first poster remove ALL () parantheses in the sheet?
I'm off to bed. See you tomorrow!
*INSPIRED BY: Firetail-madness's (dead) An Armorgamers Level UP.*
ArmorGamer Rank: Major SpamBot Level: 3 XP: 19/23 $$: $48 XP Multiplier: 1 [$50] $$ Multiplier: 1 [$70]
You can almost upgrade your first Multiplier! That, plus we're almost level 4! Then, we're one level away from level 5, which results in a new item in the shop, which results in a new twist one the game, which results in faster levels, which results in [Infinity]...!!!!
ArmorGamer Rank: Major SpamBot Level: 3 XP: 21/23 $$: $50 XP Multiplier: 1 [$50] $$ Multiplier: 1 [$70]
...You copied too much. - I'd recommend upgrading, but I can't upgrade things since I am the host, so next poster can upgrade if he wants! - Upgrades take effect from the post AFTER the upgrade forward. So not immediately. - When you level up YOU can multiply the XP needed for the current level by 1.5 to get the XP for the next level.
I'm telling you that because I have to hurry and go to bed.
ArmorGamer Rank: Major SpamBot Level: 4 XP: 05/35 $$: $11 XP Multiplier: 2 [$110] $$ Multiplier: 1 [$70]
Going for the least expensive is a good idea when you're talking about multipliers. But if there's and expensive but important item in the shop you'd better save up.
(There will always be one person who says: I want to upgrade that anyway. That makes it basically impossible to save up. But when there's an item in the shop which is more expensive then the cheapest multiplier, we vote over what will be upgraded next when we have the money. Either the multipliers or the items.)