So here's how you play I'll give you guys a clue then you figure out what it is. So let's begin:I am a mountain with no rocks,I am a desert with no sand,I am an ocean with no water.What am I.
I'll give you 2 clues I start withe letter N and I have 7 letters.
I give up.
I am nothing.
Hre is another riddle:I create and I destroy,I am also wood.Well I got 2 go.
Challenging oh yeah I'm playing but I'm not on every single second.
I create and I destroy,I am also wood.
An AK-47 is both wood and metal.
A fire.
Yes but fire is also oxygen and heat.
Nope, none of you are right.
a paint brush.
You're close sonicheroes, here's another clue I am in a classroom.
yes sonic heroes won!Rank:Alpha 2 pointsSonicheroes 1 pointHere is another riddle:I am once in a second,once in a minute,twice in a week and once in a year.What am I?
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