So here's how you play I'll give you guys a clue then you figure out what it is. So let's begin:I am a mountain with no rocks,I am a desert with no sand,I am an ocean with no water.What am I.
The letter "E"
yesrank:Alpha 3 pointssonicheroes 1 pointHere is another riddle(it's easy):I am a measurement tool that lives in a castle.What am I?
A ruler
Right again!RankAlpha 4 pointssonicheroes 1 point Here is another riddle(this is hard):What am I?
Nope not even close, do you want a hint?
Please I would like a hint.
Look carefully at my riddle.(go back one page)
A sad face!
Ohh,I didn't see that but no.
You're a Question mark! You = ?
your a ninja champion
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