ForumsGame WalkthroughsArcuz

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in this thread we give eachother hints and tips to help to beat this game

  • 259 Replies
9 posts

I need help on how to kill the hornet thing for the mission

201 posts

What are the other non-elemental stones for...i mean the ones that aren't the stone of blessing. I haven't yet found what they are for....

1,303 posts

What are the other non-elemental stones for...i mean the ones that aren't the stone of blessing. I haven't yet found what they are for....

do you mean stone of holy? if you mean them, they just higher opgrade of stone of blessing.
4 posts

I just beat the game.

I don't think it matters much what weapon you choose. I went with sword, but not before trying the others aswell. I find that spending points in the passive ability is much better than on the finishing move, atleast that was true for sword (imo). I never maxed the "wave/explosions" skill tree, I found the spin more effective in the beginning and invested in that.

I don't know how effective the last explosion ability is, but the bladestorm in the "spin" tree is absolutely insane. I think it might be even better if you use axe, since it probably attacks as fast anywys. (At highest level bladestorm hits all close enemies 30 times EACH during maybe 10 seconds,) you are also invurnerable to any damage during bladestorm.

To level easy and fast, just find a high populated room with high level enemies and kill them fast with bladestorm, then townportal after looting and sell items, then return and repeat the process.

As for the final boss, here is what I did...

Level up to level 35. Max holy light and bladestorm, 1 point in speed up. Get 10-15 major healing potions, get 3 attack potions and 3 berserk potions you might want to bring more of these to be safe though.

Make your armor really good using composition, get some +magic resistance on armor and +defense and lots of +hp.
I had 6000+ hitpoints in the end using holy light. And that is BARELY enough to survive the boss meteor storm thing.

If you have ~20% magic resist you probably need less hp to manage though, and ideally you should evade the meteor things.

I used lots of +attack and crit on asscesories and weapons. I used the quest reward sword (It is +3 and really strong).

Ok for the actual fight:

Run in, pop attack and berserk, then use bladestorm to kill all the small mobs around the boss. If something survives just kill them later. Then just run around the boss close enough for him to attack but far enough to evade the strikes.

When he starts his 3 hit combo thing jump up to him and attack him. every second round he will spam meteor storm thing after you, but that dosn't really matter, it's easy to run away from. Continue normally and circle the boss...

Wear down his hp until its at about 30% estimate. If you go too far he gets so much harder to kill. When he is at 30% or so hp left. Wait so your bladestorm is off cooldown, don't attack him until it is.

Then just pop another attack and berserk potion and bladestorm him, this should bring him pretty close to death.

Try and stall him using speed up and just evade the best you can, if he hits you with freezing attacks and spams meteors, you might get killed, be sure to keep up holy light to be safe. You might also want to save some archangel potions for this, but it should not really be nessesary.

Anyways, when bladestorm is off cooldown again, just pop the last attack and berserk potions and finish the boss.

Have fun!

39 posts

First Chapter(be sure to pay atention)i think this is the most important chapter bec. at the start u need 2 do evrything needed to get u in tip top shape for the adventures ahead........

The first 2 quests are easy when you get to finish the quest (Level up N skill point) u need to level up to 6 (but for me 7 bec. after that u get another quest that rewards free points.......oh and don't stay too long bec.u eventually get too much items that makes u overweight(effect is u slow down n cant jump).......what happend 2 me is soooo lucky i got 6+ stone of blessings then b4 i finished it i got a leather glove +2 w/ +10 defence ang 5%+ chance to get item and another when getting ur first item ( mine is swrd) dont focus all your stone of blessing n crystals on it bec. after 1st chapter the blacksmith will sell sometimes +2 items use it on those but use it when u r sure.......oh yeah compositions aret only for wep. like 2 small health potions equalls meduim health potion n be sure to save the rejuvination potions (heals both mana n health) bec. later u will need them on a quest oh and sometimes when u like 1 class wep only be carefull in putting skill points......

Chapter 2

In this chapter you will find it is very hard if you dont train much in chapter 1 bec. it opens a lot of hard monsters like the hornet if its ur first time doing it you need to jump n hit it (tip is to do it 1 hornet at the time)
the first boss u will ever meet is in the silent hill it is a giant lvl.7 wolf good thing about that is it does not change in attack only health(it a LOT)so if a lvl.7 wolf is easy for u u can survive it i went to this by fighting it when the attack of a lvl.7 wolf to me is 10-20 oh in dis chapter u need to go in stages like battling lvl.5 slimes first then after its easy for you go to lvl.7 wolves then after that hornets then the goblins oh and be prepared for the elemental monsters like the fire wolf that attacks powerful u first get easy w/ the wolf the the slime then after that the hornets......(all of them is fire elemented) then the ice monsters........ok i havent finished the game so i will let u here but ill update bye...=D

1,303 posts

You might also want to save some archangel potions for this,

what does it do. i dont realy know it, so i allways sell them, because they cost so much.
9 posts

what does it do. i dont realy know it, so i allways sell them, because they cost so much.

They make u alive again in the same map if u die but it only lasts 5 minutes now can somebody tell me what lvl i should fight the purple hornet and when i can go up in silent hill
4 posts

what does it do. i dont realy know it, so i allways sell them, because they cost so much.

They basically act as a level 1 holy light. There are also greater potions of archangel, which acts like level 3 holy light, I believe.

Purple hornet is much easier boss than the big silent hill wolf (imo), because purple hornet flinches when struck, and above silent hill is goethe grasslands or something, level 15 area IIRC.
13 posts

whats up with the healing thing? why does it randomly stop healing mid-bar? or is my game just messed up

2,765 posts

can anyone give me ideas on how to make potions i've been trying to make a archangel potion because they are so valuable and if i could make them...

39 posts

u should fight the purple hornet lvl.8 or 9 and the wolf 10....i guess

9 posts

u should fight the purple hornet lvl.8 or 9 and the wolf 10....i guess
i am lvl 9 and killed the wolf with ease the hornet is hard tho
9 posts

i am lvl 9 and killed the wolf with ease the hornet is hard tho
nvrmind i just did i was attacking the hornets wrong before
9 posts

another great tip is if u are selling potions compose them then sell to make more money

157 posts

I'm in Chapter 4 now. Has anyone done the quest "Gran's Effort" yet? I'm not sure what exactly I'm supposed to use to compose. Do I have to buy one of his shields, then compose it and give it back to him? Hmm.

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