In this game, you are a member of one of two armies: Americans or Insurrectionists.
This game is called IED for two reasons. As someone in a demolition group, your job is to Infiltrate-Eliminate-Demolish, and terrorists like blowing crap up with Improvised-Explosive-Devices.
Char Sheet:
Name: Callsign: Class: Squad: (ie. Alpha, Bravo... Zulu; I'll assign it, but tell me whose team you want to be on so that I can put people together) Main Weapon: Secondary Weapon: Equipment:
Callsigns can be anything you want, but they usually refer to your job (ie. a medic could be "Doc"[stupid example, I know])
Classes Weapons and Equipment are:
Class- Infantry Main- HK XM8, HK416 Secondary- Beretta M9 Equipment- Fragmentation Grenades (x2), Smoke Grenade, Stun Grenade, Med Kit
Class- Grenadier Main- HK XM25 IAWS Secondary- Beretta M9, MP9 Equipment- Fragmentation Grenades (x2), M18 Claymore, Med Kit
I'd like for you all to play on one side, as I never fully worked out how the game would play out with both teams knowing enemy operations, but if someone else wants to play an insurrectionist, it might warrant the work involved. Just know that you would not be playing missions against each other. Another possibility is playing as militiamen, members of a somewhat organized group stationed in the U.S., using similar tactics as you would playing an enemy.
Wait, so are you saying you want your own missions, or that you will play with others, just not against others. I just thought of an idea: you're playing the same battlefield, on opposite sides, but in different areas, so there is some interaction, but not direct conflict
Wait, so are you saying you want your own missions, or that you will play with others, just not against others. I just thought of an idea: you're playing the same battlefield, on opposite sides, but in different areas, so there is some interaction, but not direct conflict
i prefer single player, limited interaction is good
Oh. I'm not sure if It's worth all the effort to make the other side of the story for just one person. I'll have to think about it once we get going. Sorry. This is going to get REALLY deep.
Alright. I'm going to do same as last time, and start with a light mission to get you into the style of gameplay. I'm changing it up a bit from before-not much, mind you- but you might want to skim through the previous mission. After the mission, I will "grade" you on participation, how you have made decisions, and how you stick to your character's personality (don't consider this to be like a test, you will all get points for reasonable behavior, and extra points for ingenuity and craftiness; the only thing I'd like to inhibit is unreasonable behavior; you won't die, but the harder it is for me to keep you alive, the more I will consider reducing the points you receive; this doesn't include things like being caught in a blast from an enemy without knowing, but it does include throwing grenades around in a munitions shelter, where explosions are extremely likely kill you)
you might want to skim through the previous mission.
I already did. Did you think I would decide to join a once dead thread before seeing what it is like? Actually, that is what a normal person would probably do...Oh well...
Cool, the only reason it died was because I had other priorities to manage, so I'm glad you looked into it. Alright, when we get to the main mission I'll give you a map, but for now you'll be playing by text alone. I'd like for you to keep up with your inventory, as scarcity is a big factor on the battlefield. After I've taken a shower I'll throw down the mission plans, make adjustments to the details on the character sheet, and give you some additionl options that will serve, in a way, as perks.
I was considering giving you a specific amount of ammunition, but that seems like it would be a burden to deal with, so next to your weapons, put(%100) for now, and I'll tell you how much you lose during action. For perks, I've drawn up a few, and you'll be able to upgrade them as time goes on, but I'd like to know if any of you have suggestions for skill ideas. Like one right now is a multilingual trait, which you can use to effect depending on how advanced you are in it. I'll put the mission details in another post for the sake of me not risking being logged out before I finish (I'm on my phone and I get logged out randomly, so I occasionally end up rewriting everything in a very long post)
Alright, before I talk about the mission, here are a couple of things to remember when playing: communication is key, keep in touch with the status of squad members, and relay information you find important; some of this is based in chance, so if you can't score a kill, but another player is racking up dozens, it's random. You won't be penalized for chance. So... the mission isn't EXACTLY a mission... you've been put on gate duty. Sorry, boys, looks like you won't be seeing much action (wink wink, nudge nudge), but at least you're out of harms way (like hell). Stationed in Adlabjorn, Sweden (fictitious), your job is to check incoming vehicles. Time is 0300, it's frigid outside. No snow, but there's strong wind. First vehicle pulls up, large refrigerated truck.