Hi, i have a question. I'm using ActionScript 2.0 and i need to know how to make new rooms and how to make the Char go to the next room by contacting/ touching / colliding into a door. Thanks!
To make new rooms, just make several movieClips (1 for each room). Then when you touch a door, make the room you are in invisible and the one you are headed to visible. Colliding with a door:
But wouldn't you need that code (or something similar to it) on every frame? Wouldn't it be simpler to do a simple hitTest on the actions of each door:
You can pretty much copy and paste this for each door, but with making a different room visible. You might also need to add something like _x -= 300 (or whatever the width of your stage is) or something like it with y or adding instead of subtracting.
Ummm... you guys give good advice and all but i have to admit that Alsage's way was a lot more simple and easier for an ametaur like me to understand.
I guess Alsage's dad IS an exspert programmer but gave Alsage an amatueur trick because Alsage is an amateur.
How on earth do i make my character on his own Layer!? Because i tried Alsages trick, it was simple and all but it didn't work. i think the problem is that i didn't make my guy have his own Layer... somone please answer i want to know all the code for this game so i can start making it!
That separates the movieclip into several layers inside it. Right click on the main timeline (where it says layer 1 or whatever you named it) then click insert layer