Hi, i have a question. I'm using ActionScript 2.0 and i need to know how to make new rooms and how to make the Char go to the next room by contacting/ touching / colliding into a door. Thanks!
Lol, You ain't the worst coder, you just need practice. For the starting positions when you change rooms, if you enter a door on the left, make x the stage width - character width/2(if centered) (this number doesnt need to be calculated while the game is running). Same goes for bottom, but with y and height. For top and right doors, use _x = _width/2 (or y and height)
Though it's been a while since I've coded AS2, I hope I can give some tips.
- for debugging, trace is your biggest friend, especially in AS2. - since you need hittesting, try and see if that hittest works. You can write a buttload of code, but if the initiation is wonky, it won't work anyway. - are you sure the code is executed at all? Just insert a trace("the function works" or something in it, that should give you a clue. - you probably need to check every frame... so did you encapsulate your code in an onEnterFrame function?
plasmafish, I liked that. Not because of the level thing (I could do that), but you taught me how to make my movement to the next level not look so...terrible. Thanks!