My favorite book changes from day to day, but right now I'm really liking...
Title: Truancy Age group: 13+ Awesomeness rating: 90% Reason: Wow, I read it quite a while ago... I guess it make me think. I like books that make me think. The story line was really great. And I LOVED the characters. Dunno why. I just did.
Title:Skulduggery Pleasant (seiries) Age group:Mabye 12+ Awesomeness rating:99.9999999999999 Reason:The storyline and characters are fansaty yet belivable and overall well written :}{:
A person with an IQ of over 200 would not resort to crime. They would find many better alternatives. That's why those books have always puzzled me. That and the fact that beer-swilling gnomes sing about pizza.
A person with an IQ of over 200 would not resort to crime. They would find many better alternatives. That's why those books have always puzzled me. That and the fact that beer-swilling gnomes sing about pizza.
He doesn't 'resort' to crime. It runs through his blood and he's good at it. Plus he needs to rebuild his family's fortune, so that honor handicap defeats the aspect of intellectuals not resorting to crime.
Title:Skulduggery Pleasant (seiries) Age group:Mabye 12+ Awesomeness rating:99.9999999999999 Reason:The storyline and characters are fansaty yet belivable and overall well written :}{:
I cant belive i forgot those books their awsome i cant wait for the 4th one.
Title: The Lord of the Rings Age group: 12+ Awesomeness rating: 98 Reason: In my opinion, it has the best storyline of any fantasy novel. The story is original, long and thoroughly satisfying. You can relate the events in LoTR to the contemporary and modern events. Also, I can effortlessly relate to the feelings of the written material.
Title: Oxford Book of Poems Age group: people above 20, but there are some exceptions. You need to have a good education to enjoy it. Awesomeness rating: 99 Reason: It has a wide variety of poems, not just one era.
tittle: Eragon age group:13-19 rating: 10000 reason: there is a great story line and there is so much action there is a battle about every 10 pages. there is also suspense. such as when Eragon is captured and he eventually gets out of the hold.
tittle: Eragon age group:13-19 rating: 10000 reason: there is a great story line and there is so much action there is a battle about every 10 pages. there is also suspense. such as when Eragon is captured and he eventually gets out of the hold.
Those books are also really good but the film is just awful its so unfaithfull.
Title: Atlas Shrugged Age Group: Most likely 18+, although I read it at 13. Rating: â Reason: It is a really intense book with a story that makes you question everything about our world.