A Rebus Puzzle is a picture that is saying something and you have to guess it.I will keep score and once this thread starts to die I will name a winner.Here is the first:VA DERS
you're out of line?
You probably got it. I have one if you don't mind. It's simple really.circirclescles
Well aknerd got it first so he gets itAknerd 4Leo 2Wow,aknerd is really good at this and fog I would use that but I got a website with about a million of them.1.2.blame3.blame
There is no one blameNo one blame one?
Yes,Leo you are also really good at theese.Leo 3Aknerd 4Will anyone else score a point?WINEEEEEE
THEPOOHHHHHHHHHHok serious now ok i know this one so here is a guide to deciding rebus puzzlesI think win is a word so lets go straight to EEEEEEEE1. The sentence may have words like with, in and around in them (well i think it's either Before,after or with)2. Words may be sounded out (well there is no way EEEEEE means anything else but it may mean e's?)3. Think literally 4. It is a sayingok so lets see EEEEEE does not sound like a word. e's probably sounds like a word... OH i got it easeso.... win before easeease before winwin with easeease with winwell which one of those is a common saying"Win with ease" i only developed that a little while ago.But it doesn't work for many . I'm still trying to find a full proof way o figuring them out
Circles within circles, but close enough.
Correct Leo I will no count the other one though.Leo 4Aknerd 4TAILRRIALTAIRTLTLRIA
Trail mix. Oh yeah, that one was unexpected.
Yes,finally someone else won.Leo 4Aknerd 4Ninja 1Here is the next: NINE CUMULUS
I believe that one is "On top of cloud nine"
Well its on cloud nine but close enough.Leo 4Aknerd 4Ninja 2Here is the next:eiln pu
Now, that one is clever. I cheated so I won't answer though...
all i know is that its in alphabetical order (YES thats all i got after 1 hour of thinking)You have no idea how much i want a hint
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