A Rebus Puzzle is a picture that is saying something and you have to guess it.I will keep score and once this thread starts to die I will name a winner.Here is the first:VA DERS
Wrong this one is really really hard.Really hard.
team of doctors?
No what happened to Aknerd?He is always on this.
Man, I even said "Pair of doctors" in my head and I didn't figure it out. Nice job ernie.
I was thinking about the song doctor doctor by robert palmer, but I guess its already been solved.
Yes ernie is correct it was very hard though.Aknerd 5Leo 4Ninja 4TeeHee 1Afro 1Ernie 1Next is here:PAWALKRKThis is very easy.
That was so easy, it was a walk in the park.ha...
I told ou it was easy.I wanted to see if you guys could get it.Aknerd 6Leo 4Ninja 4TeeHee 1Ernie 1Afro 1Here is the next:FAMILYYYYYYYY
Big family?Long-ended family?Fat family?Why family?Large family?
None of those.On the right track though.Keep trying.
Extended family.
Why do I have a family?
Automatic after all those guesses you didn't get it right so my question is:how is it extended family?
how is it extended family?
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