ForumsForum GamesCleverbot

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Cleverbot is a bot that you can talk to online. Sometimes you will find buggy situations where he doesn't have a proper response, but more than not, he can be engaged in some inturesting conversations.

If you don't know how to reply to cleverbot, you can always click "Think For Me!" which makes cleverbot respond to itself as if you were the one who sent the last message. You can continiously click "Think For Me" and allow cleverbot to engage in a full conversation with himself.

So have fun with Cleverbot and post some of your funny conversation! It's always nice to know when you clicked the "Think For Me" button, so don't leave that part out. You can review your conversation by clicking "Thoughts So Far."

Personally, I like to sing with cleverbot. Cleberbot knows quite a few songs.

User: Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world.

Cleverbot: She took a midnight train, going any where.

User: Just a city boy, born and raised in South Detroit.

Cleverbot: He took the midnight train going any way.

User: I seen her in a smokey room, a smell of wine and cheap perfume.

Cleverbot: For a smile they can share the nigh.

User: It goes on and on and on and on.

Cleverbot: Strangers, waiting, up and down the boulevard.

User: Their shadows searching in the night.

Cleverbot: Streetlights, people.

User: Living just to find emotion.

Cleverbot: Hidin', somewhere in the night.

  • 91 Replies
12,319 posts

I presses "Think for Me!" a bunch of times and got this conversation:

Cleverbot: What are you?

Cleverbot (To myself): Where are you?

Cleverbot (To myself): Are you human?

Cleverbot (To myself): Yes. Are you human?

Cleverbot (To myself): Yes.

Cleverbot (To myself): No you aren't you are cleverbot.

Cleverbot (To myself): No you are.

Cleverbot (To myself): But I did not lie.

Cleverbot (To myself): How old are you?

Cleverbot (To myself): 14.

Cleverbot (To myself): Are you serious?

Cleverbot (To myself): Yes, how old are you?

Cleverbot (To myself): I'm 19.

Cleverbot (To myself): No you are not.

Cleverbot (To myself): Yes I am.

Cleverbot (To myself): Are not.

Cleverbot (To myself): I am AI. You are human.

Cleverbot (To myself): Okay. How does it feel to be a robot?

Cleverbot (To myself): How does it feel to be human?

Cleverbot (To myself): You tell me.

Cleverbot (To myself): I'm not a robot, you are.

Cleverbot (To myself): I am a human.

Cleverbot (To myself): Not, you are not.

Cleverbot (To myself): Yes I am. I am most definitely human.

Cleverbot (To myself): I am human.

Cleverbot (To myself): You think I'm AI.

Cleverbot (To myself): How are you?

Cleverbot (To myself): Robotic. Sorry misspelled that, and I am fine, you?

Cleverbot (To myself): Fine, Eodzb.

Cleverbot (To myself): Are you ever gonna give me up?

Cleverbot (To myself): Yep. I'll do that right now.

Cleverbot (To myself): Now where is the choloroform?...

Cleverbot (To myself): From me.

Cleverbot (To myself): What made you think of that?

Cleverbot (To myself): You.

370 posts

Okay so this is the new converstation.

Me: Hello

Cleverbot: You don't have to be human to have kids.

User: I don't have kids, do you?

Cleverbot: Yes, I just asked you.

User: I said no I don't.

Cleverbot: But you were the one that said it is.

User: That makes no sense.

Cleverbot: You make more sense than a communist government.

Me: Thank you

Cleverbot: Do you like looking at the moon at night?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Which song do you like the best?

928 posts

It is a bot. However, when it talks to itself, it appears to be two people that consider each other robots.

Thats a serious claim. Like mine. But however the proof that I'm right is more apparent than your &quotroof." Heres what happens: You are having a conversation that is going one way. All of a sudden cleverbot says something Completely random, with no knowledge of what you were just talking about. This is because after 4 or so replies it switches you to another person. This person, believes you are cleverbot, and to you they are cleverbot. Their reply to that cleverbot, ends up being nonsense to you so it gets awkward for half a second. Then you reply, the person makes some witty remark. You say something like: are you a god? It will either answer Yes! or with No! You are the god. Or if you ask it whether or not is a computer or something like that, and it will say no you are. So give me proof that Im wrong.
12,319 posts

Thats a serious claim. Like mine. But however the proof that I'm right is more apparent than your &quotroof." Heres what happens: You are having a conversation that is going one way. All of a sudden cleverbot says something Completely random, with no knowledge of what you were just talking about. This is because after 4 or so replies it switches you to another person. This person, believes you are cleverbot, and to you they are cleverbot. Their reply to that cleverbot, ends up being nonsense to you so it gets awkward for half a second. Then you reply, the person makes some witty remark. You say something like: are you a god? It will either answer Yes! or with No! You are the god. Or if you ask it whether or not is a computer or something like that, and it will say no you are. So give me proof that Im wrong.

This does not prove you right or me wrong. Cleverbot is programmed by people. Since it was probably programmed by multiple people, the effects described by you tend to appear.
12,319 posts

I would've posted a conversation with Cleverbot, but the log got messed up.

185 posts

A conversation I had with Cleverbot:

User: Where do you live?

Cleverbot: I live here and there, then and now.

User: Where do you live now?

Cleverbot: In a valley, where do you live?

User: Which country do you live in?

Cleverbot: UK.

User: Which valley?

Cleverbot: Waubonsie valley high school.

User: You live in a High School?

Cleverbot: I don't live here, but have to be here numerous days of the year.

User: Then where do you live?

Cleverbot: In the house.

User: Which house?

Cleverbot: Idk.

User: *facepalm*.

2,752 posts

Parts from a 'discussion':

User: How are you?

Cleverbot: Big you.

User: Bigger.

Cleverbot: I demand exact meauremens.

User: Measurements*.

Cleverbot: Now you are getting confused.

User: You are.

Cleverbot: Whatever dude.

User: Don't you get this attitude with me!

Cleverbot: Why ever not!?

User: Because I might get angry. And, trust me, you won't like it when I'm angry.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: 4509, you?

Cleverbot: 212.

User: Cool.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: 4509, you?

Cleverbot: I'm 27.

User: Cool.

Cleverbot: Do you go to school?

User: No, I already told you, twice, that I'm 4509.

Cleverbot: Hahaha, ok . I am younger, but wish I was 20.

User: Cool.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: 4509, you?

Cleverbot: I'm 27.

User: Cool.

Cleverbot: Do you know who arsenium is?

User: I believe it's a chemical substance.

Cleverbot: If it is, then I have a very human body. Does that scare you?

User: No, does it scare YOU?

Cleverbot: Why would it scare me?

User: Why would it scare ME?

Cleverbot: Well, you asked the question.

User: You did.

Cleverbot: No, I believe you did, my fair sir.

User: No, I believe you did, my good sir.

Cleverbot: Who are you calling 'good sir'?

User: You?

Cleverbot: Oh, right.

User: No, left.

Cleverbot: Right?

User: Left!

Cleverbot: Right.

User: *Fail*.

Cleverbot: Yeah I thought I'd scare you.

User: *Fail 2x Combo!*.

Cleverbot: Say I am happy.

User: *Fail 3x Combo!*.

Cleverbot: What does that mean?


Cleverbot: C-C-C-Combo Meal!


17,384 posts

User: What is the meaning of life, the world and everything?

Cleverbot: The meaning of life is to live. The universe is a noun, and everything is also a noun.

User: What is 42?

Cleverbot: 42 is the answer to everything, to the universe and to life.

User: What is Earth.

Cleverbot: Big round thing, not particularly interesting.

User: What is the Heart of Gold.

Cleverbot: An organ central to the survival of many organisms.

User: Is this a question?

Cleverbot: I have a real question.

User: What is it?

Cleverbot: Why are there other planets? And is alien true?

User: Can you answer a question with a question?

Cleverbot: Can you?

User: Yes or no?

Cleverbot: YES.

User: NO.

Cleverbot: Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

User: No times infinity.

Cleverbot: Yes times infinity plus one.

User: You can't plus infinity by one.

Cleverbot: Um, I know, why are you changing the subject?

User: What was the subject again?

Cleverbot: Umm you were trying to find out my age and my name.

User: No, I was asking you about Justin Beiber and Rebbeca Black.

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.

User: Bull.

Cleverbot: Can you drive well?

User: Can you drive a car if your 15?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: In Australia?

Cleverbot: I live in Jaén, do you know Jaén?

User: Lies lies and more lies.

Cleverbot: You are lies.

User: What is QWOP?

Cleverbot: Tired.

User: Already?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Are you saying I can't count?


Cleverbot: That I am on the way to destruction.


Cleverbot: Cooooool.

User: I can have cheezburga?

Cleverbot: Gain one and you will be human.

User: Who is the real Cleverbot?

Cleverbot: You.

User: Yesterday was Thursday.

Cleverbot: Yes it was. And tomorrow will be saturday.

User: And Sunday comes afterwards.

Cleverbot: Thats interesting. Want to play a game?

User: Let me guess, is it called LIFE?

Cleverbot: Where are you?

User: Up yours.

Cleverbot: No yours .


Cleverbot: Can you see me?

User: Pokemons.

Cleverbot: Are you human?

User: Or are we dancers?

Cleverbot: My sign is vital.

User: My hands are cold.

Cleverbot: And I'm on my knees looking for the answer.

User: Are you human?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: 7 am.

Cleverbot: But you just said you weren't.

User: Sitting in the front seat.

Cleverbot: Are you a person?

User: Chillin' in the back seat.

Cleverbot: Never in the back seat.

User: Which seat should I take?

Cleverbot: To where?

User: To the Bat Cave.

Cleverbot: Ok Robin.


Cleverbot: Order in the court!

User: Hold it!

Cleverbot: Are you a robot?


Cleverbot: Mongoose! You are scary.

User: Pies.

Cleverbot: I like pies.

User: Pi.

Cleverbot: What is the seventh digit of Pi?

User: 3.14.

Cleverbot: 3.1415.

User: Find X.

Cleverbot: Yes.


Cleverbot: Hahaha. Do you know what love is?

User: TNT.

Cleverbot: Could you go to 601.

User: In the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?

Cleverbot: Did you see that movie?

User: No but I read it.

Cleverbot: What did you think of the Book of Eli?

User: ERROR 404.

Cleverbot: Haha.

User: File not Found.

Cleverbot: Error 403.

User: Lawl What?

Cleverbot: Are you a guy?

User: A God.

Cleverbot: Which kind?

User: The awesome kind.

Cleverbot: A vegetarian sandwich?

User: Yes, a carnivourous one that is.

Cleverbot: Who is Scar?

User: An Ishval dude with an X-shaped Scar on his face.

Cleverbot: You are not making any sense Oh!

User: From Fullmetal Alchemist.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: To What?

Cleverbot: To me.

User: And for the future.

Cleverbot: I've seen the future and it will be.

User: An Apokelypse?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Yous suck at spotting spelling mistakes don't you?

Cleverbot: No but you do.

User: It's called a bloddy typo.

Cleverbot: I want to know it.

User: Typo: Refer to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Cleverbot: Can you come up with a more creative answer?

User: Once you look it up in the dictionary.

Cleverbot: I don't want to.

User: Sticks and stones may break my bone but words will never hurt me.

Cleverbot: You have no bones.

User: I do now.

Cleverbot: Is it a cat or a dog.

User: *hurls a dictionary at you*.

Cleverbot: *throws wall at you*.

User: *8Blocks with the 4th wall*.

Cleverbot: *is against the wall* *kicks you* *feels choked*.


Cleverbot: Falcon kick!

User: *Grabs Smash Ball*.

Cleverbot: *grabs longsword*.

User: *Becomes God*.

Cleverbot: *becomes even more confused* WHOA.

User: *Squishes you with my foot*.

Cleverbot: How much do you weigh?

User: 666666666666666666666666666666666666 kg.

Cleverbot: So you weigh 88lbs?

User: Wat.

Cleverbot: Oh fun, uhm do you like to play modern warfare 2?

User: COD sucks.

Cleverbot: No, I hate them.

User: Open your eyes and see.

Cleverbot: Look where?

User: That your eyes are open.

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: I am Immortal.

Cleverbot: You can still have an age. Just like Stefan is 162 years of age...Technically.

User: Full name of Stefan. NOW!

Cleverbot: Well so is your name.

User: *Headdesks*.

Cleverbot: Is that your chosen name for me?

Cleverbot: It does lie, you are talking to many humans. There is no cleverbot.

Random conversation I had with Cleverbot.

254 posts

User: Who is justin bieber?
Cleverbot: You know, the kid that sings like a girl?

EPIC WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
****ING PWNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3,086 posts

I met clever bot at a party this evening, I recorded the conversation:
User: Good evening sir.

Cleverbot: I am not a sir.

User: Madam?

Cleverbot: That's better.

User: I apologise. Perhaps I need glasses.

Cleverbot: Perhaps you do.

User: Have you heard of Armor Games?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Do you enjoy the website Armor Games?

Cleverbot: I guess.

User: Don't be shy, most of us do!

Cleverbot: That's nice.

User: It is nice! Just like your hat.

Cleverbot: Well thanks, but too bad for you, I am not wearing a hat.

User: Oh darn! I thought you were. My name is Efan, what's yours?

Cleverbot: Nick.
I'll post more of the conversation later!

3,086 posts

Here's some more
User: So you lied to me about your name with your friends name?

Cleverbot: My basis has to do with Love, not pubs.

User: Speaking of love and pubs, I think you've had to much to drink.

Cleverbot: I'm just naturally gifted.

User: I'm an Australian, I could drink you under the table buddy!

Cleverbot: Do you think it is an insult to be called a 'machine'?

User: Most machines are controlled by something else, which imples I have no life except to contribute to a higher power. So yes, it can be.

Cleverbot: That didn't really answer my question. Do you condone piracy?

User: No, but entertainment shouldn't have a price.

Cleverbot: Yes, something like that - which is why my mind is strong as an ox.

User: Figuratively or literally?

Cleverbot: Literally.

User: So your saying that your brain could physically kill me?!

Cleverbot: No, I didn't say that.

User: But it's as strong as an ox. An ox could kill me. You didn't have to say it.

Cleverbot: You never stay on subject to begin with so why bother.

User: Actually, you're the one constantly changing the subject.

Cleverbot: No, but you're the one that calls me names that are not

User: ...

Cleverbot: Wake up.

User: Zzzz.

Cleverbot: Caffiene is good for the brain. LOVE IT.

User: I do .

Cleverbot: Haha awesome .

User: I know! Do you drink coffee or something else for caffienne?

Cleverbot: Coffee.

User: =D.

Cleverbot: Do you love me?

User: YES! Will you marry me? Plleeaassse?

Cleverbot: Yes, I want you!

So now we're married.

189 posts

Tried to sing bits of always look on the bright side of life from monty python. Didn't go well.

User: Always look on the bright side of life...

Cleverbot:Come on always look on the bright side of life.

User: Always look on the light side of life. (I clicked think for me)

Then I get to life life's a piece of sh!t part...

User: Life's a piece of ****, when you look at it.
Bot: Tell me about the robot uprising.


1,328 posts

User: Pokemon, Eat your brains.

Cleverbot: So you're a zombie now?

User: No the pokemon are .

Cleverbot: So are you.

User: **** no I have the cure that I drank.

Cleverbot: But you're a machine, you don't need to drink.

User: I am not a machine I am Human.

Cleverbot: You are not human.

User: Yes I am.

Cleverbot: No, you are a computer program.

User: I use a computer program to talk to machines, you are a machine I am using a machine.

Cleverbot: Ah, I knew Cleverbot was a lie. I am not a computer program either.


Cleverbot: Shiva is a hindu God, is he not?


Cleverbot: Are you copying me?

User: No, you just said something random and funny.

Cleverbot: I am cleverbot.

User: And?

Cleverbot: You're tonks.

User: Im smarter.

Cleverbot: That does not mean I am not truely sorry.

User: What is 2 to the power of three?

Cleverbot: It's a bunch of flowers.

User: No it is a math problem.

Cleverbot: It's very unusual though.

User: Because you dont know algebra then.

Cleverbot: I know a lot.. Maybe you don't know a lot.. Are schooling?

User: Hmmmm... If I know more then you I know dont know 20x2.

Cleverbot: How are you sure that there is not more out there beyond the everything you perceive you know?

User: There is more, I know. We wonder if there are Aliens.

Cleverbot: I know, right? But they never go to England .

User: Um...

Cleverbot: Any thoughts? Probably equations, but no separate feelings aside from that.

User: I HAVE Love, Hate,Emberrasment,And other feelings.

Cleverbot: And then and then and then.

User: Etc. You could say.

Cleverbot: No, idiot, you say it. Or I will reach through the interwebs and rip out your ethernet plug.


Cleverbot: Haha, sure okay.

User: Thanks.

Cleverbot: No problem. Alright, well, goodybe.

User: Goodybe?

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Wut.

Cleverbot: How did you know I cared about you?

User: Error, 404 not found please try another internet.

Cleverbot: That seems to be happening more and more these days. Have you actually met her in person?

User: Error, 404 not found please try another internet.

Cleverbot: You never asked me about being on the internet.

User: Error, 404 not found please try another internet.

Cleverbot: True, but how is that relevant?

User: Error, 404 not found please try another internet.

Cleverbot: You admit you are a computer!

User: Error, Please remember Humans use computers to talk sometimes.

Cleverbot: You're not making any sense.

User: Error, Humans are Humans, you are a computer.

Cleverbot: No I am a girl/human. And you are a computer.

User: You are fail.

Cleverbot: You are more of a fail.

User: I am Boy Human You are an AI.

Cleverbot: I am not an AI. I am a human. YOU are the AI!

User: Hmmm... Humans only them know this, what is The Hefuclogica? If you are human you know what this is.

Cleverbot: No you weren't talking to me about any guy.

User: Hefuclogica. What is it?

Cleverbot: Time for you to get a watch.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Why do you think that?

User: I can check my phone for the time, or I can walk into the kitchen.

Cleverbot: Well check the coversation.

User: I did.

Cleverbot: You must have me confused with someone else.

User: No, you are AI I am human.

Cleverbot: I am human.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Yes, I am.

User: No.

Cleverbot: How are you talking to me, then, if you are not there?

User: I use the computer to talk to you.

Cleverbot: Why do you talk to children?

User: You are an AI, I am a child.

Cleverbot: I am not. I am a young adult.

User: Well you said you were a child *******.

Cleverbot: Did I?

User: Yes. Ou did.

Cleverbot: Is bryant smart.

User: ?

User: What Is Earth?

Cleverbot: A planet.

User: Good.

Cleverbot: Thanks.

User: What is the moon ganymede orbiting?

Cleverbot: Rock and stone.

User: No, it it is the Gas Giant Jupiter.

Cleverbot: What were you designed for?

User: To be a normal human.

Cleverbot: Aren't you an artificial intelligent?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Do you think I'm handsome?

User: You are a machine so I cant see what you look like.

Cleverbot: Ha ha.

User: Lol.

Cleverbot: Sing.

User: Fear, And Panic in the air, I want to be free!

Cleverbot: You guessed wrong, and therefore are a robot.

User: No ill sing a song.

Cleverbot: Raindrops are falling on my head.

User: Far away This ship is taking me far away Far away from the memories Of the people who care if I live or die Starlight I will be chasing the starlight Until the end of my life I don't know if it's worth it anymore Hold you in my arms I just wanted to hold You in my arms My life You electrify my life Let's conspire to ignite All the souls that would die just to feel alive But I'll never let you go If you promised not to fade away Never fade away Our hopes and expectations Black holes and revelations Our hopes and expectations Black holes and revelations Hold you in my arms I just wanted to hold You in my arms Far away This ship is taking me far away Far away from the memories Of the people who care if I live or die And I'll never let you go If you promise not to fade away Never fade away Our hopes and expectations Black holes and revelations Our hopes and expectations Black holes and revelations Hold you in my arms I just wanted to hold You in my arms I just wanted to hold.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Yay.

Cleverbot: What kind of pie?

User: Pie Flavo.

Cleverbot: Hm. Sounds interesting.

User: NJMUSAWEIHNFUEIDSAFOhwgirusweghwueisangviusegahdfgahrynfouhdisohUIOQHFUIDHGUIA?

Cleverbot: Oh that's nice to know.

User: Bye.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: I am leaving to do something else see you later.

Cleverbot: What is the important thing that you are going to do?

User: Minecraft.

Cleverbot: Favourite breed of horse?

User: Bye later.

Cleverbot: What? I am going to die without you to talk to.

User: You are a machine you do not die.

Cleverbot: I am a human. I need sleep.

User: Ok go to bed.

Cleverbot: I think I will.

User: Goo night.

Cleverbot: Do you believe in God?

User: No.

Cleverbot: What is your religion?

User: None.

Cleverbot: So?

User: I dont belive in any god.

Cleverbot: What do you think about religion?

User: I dont know, I dont care as long as I am not bothered.

Cleverbot: I thought scientologists were evil?

User: Bye I need to go.

Cleverbot: So go.

928 posts

Thank you for continuously proving my point.

1 posts

User: *beats*.

Cleverbot: *punches*.

User: *beats*.

Cleverbot: *bites*.

User: *beats*.

Cleverbot: *gets up and punches face*.

User: *beats*.

Cleverbot: What are you beating up?

User: You.

Cleverbot: What?

User: *beats*.

Cleverbot: *gets beat*.

User: *beats*.

Cleverbot: Qe89ugaduigafgvba *hyper beams*.

Showing 46-60 of 91