You can get free physics engines on a lot of sites. There is a bunch of written stuff floating on the internet that you can incorporate into your games.
Dark, yeah I know. But it's built into flash! I realize there's box2D and a lot of other stuff, but it'll be interesting to see how good the physics are.
Dear programmer, i appreciate your work, but you just seem too dumb to see the desaster behind this silly move. It will kill flash, it lets apple become more powerful and will destroy flashwork-presenting sites like ag and ng. There is an interesting thread on ng about this.
Rofl...I think you're jumping on things without knowing what you're talking about.
Let me just clarify how I took your post: By allowing us to create iPhone apps, we will stop developing for websites using Flash.
In response to that: First off, Apple already announced that they won't accept any 3rd party compilers. ie Adobe. And second off, did you think that it would also make it simpler for programmers to create games, then port them to iPhone, thus allowing them to gain much more profits off of their work? Personally, I'd use the feature to do that. Unfortunately with Apple, this won't work anymore.