Hey, I really want to learn flash, is there any way I could learn without spending LOADS of money? Because I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars for something I probably won't be good at.
Try Lynda.com for ActionScript 3.0 Essential. I used that and it is awesome. Now I am starting to make games(even though I haven't finished it yet). Then I got this book: ActionScript 3.0 Game Programming University by Gary Rosenzweig(I don't really think it is university level because I'm 12 and easily understand it). You should get that book just before doing the Memory game in the Lynda.com Tutorials(don't do the Lynda.com memory game)because there is one a the beginning of the book and is much better.
Anyway best way to learn actionscript is to buy a book and study.
Yea, but I think the best is:
1. Learn AS from vid tutorials 2. Once you know how to use flash roughly get a book which is something like: flash for websites, flash for games etc. depending on what you want to do like websites or games. 3. Study from the book.
That's what I did and now I'm better than my cousin who's studying and makes money by making websites!(but I make games)
Manny I think your confused first of all show me a really good As vid tutorial that teaches your programming that doesn't cost over $300 dollars and goes into the structure and practices of actioscript.
1. Get flash trial and play around with it 2. If you think your getting somewhere with it buy it 3. Go to kirpura or some other website and draw and do some basic actionscript or flashes help thingy. 4. Get a book on either drawing or actionscript or buy some other more expensive video tutorials. 5. Practice daily for a loong time. 6. If your learning actionscript and it's your first time programming go to step 5. Continue if you understand basic programming i.e ( recursion, variables, arrays, big O ect...) 7. Test yourself and push yourself daily 8. Your still not good at flash continue for a couple years.
No offense but your cousin isn't really a good gauge of your own talent and no one makes web pages purely with flash.
Manny I think your confused first of all show me a really good As vid tutorial that teaches your programming that doesn't cost over $300 dollars and goes into the structure and practices of actioscript
Lynda.com AS 3.0 Essentials like I said on page 2
I used it and I don't know how much it costs because... umm... you know why.
No offense but your cousin isn't really a good gauge of your own talent and no one makes web pages purely with flash.
I know he makes them in HTML but does flash too. And true he's admitted that I'm better than him (only in the knowledge of code though, not web design).