Hi, this is my first website in HTML (don't have much to put on yet). It is a website of umm... me!! I don't know if it is good or not so if could give feedback on bad and good points, improvements so on (ignore the amount of pics and anims/games, that will come soon).
It took me 2 days to do it all: art, HTML, Flash, TIME!!!
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Anyways, there isn't much to comment on (no animations,games or art) and I suggest even if the games are bad putting it on there. Also you should get your deviantart on there.
First of all the html is not valid and secondly isn't this made in dreamweaver?
Also whats up with the css in your html when your linking to a style sheet?
What do you mean?? It works.
Anyways, there isn't much to comment on (no animations,games or art) and I suggest even if the games are bad putting it on there. Also you should get your deviantart on there.
yea, doing that today(day three)
nice...but what is it about?
It's a place where I'll put all my good enough work!!
Overall its pretty good for a 13 year old, I mean I don't even know how you create a website LOL
Sorry, I not really 13, I'm 12 and I don't know why I put that there?? usually want people to say that I'm 12 (13 in month)
As for making a website, you probably can learn HTML in a week or two. (I did it in a week and three days). HTML is easier than you think!!
The font is just yuck.. I don't like it, try to pick a font with more curves in the letters. Something more appealing. Use more colors in your site, a mixture between bright colors and dark colors
Those "subtitles" (can't find the word) that appear when you put your mouse in that toolbar require a bit more work. Better writing means more appealing.
Also make sure you add something to warn the visitors StickPage.com is not affiliated with your site, or else the visitors might think StickPage created that site and you're collabing with them.
And make sure all art/games/animations/whatever has a little ID to identify it as your own work, just to avoid copyright troubles and art stealing.