Hi, this is my first website in HTML (don't have much to put on yet). It is a website of umm... me!! I don't know if it is good or not so if could give feedback on bad and good points, improvements so on (ignore the amount of pics and anims/games, that will come soon).
It took me 2 days to do it all: art, HTML, Flash, TIME!!!
Your forum opens in the top frame of the site for me. I'm not going to be too harsh since you have clearly stated that you are 13 and a beginner, but please use spell check on all your pages. Having incorrect English and misspelled words looks very unprofessional because it shows that you would probably make the same types of mistakes in code.
Having incorrect English and misspelled words looks very unprofessional because it shows that you would probably make the same types of mistakes in code.
I know, I read the same in my book and I think it's really my typing skills not spelling, which makes my spelling errors. I'm probably th best or 2nd best speller in my class so... It must be my awful typing