Gang leader: Gender: Location: (Westside, Southside, Eastside, Northside) Hideout: (sewer, abandoned subway tunnel, abandoned house) Gang:0 Money: 1000 Rep: Goods: (weapons, drugs, DVDs) Your color: (its like your flag homie) Car: none Fronts: Allies: Rivals:
[/b]Please read How to play
Dude all gangs live in one area so u all got territory so u got to fight to keep them fooâs off your tirff you dig but if 2 gangs live in the same location u gotta beat out the other gang or they can take over u and bye bye u lose of course u can be nicey nice and work together to rule the other sides
Specials for the sides
Westside: Easy to recruit people to the gang Drug sales are double the money
Eastside: Guns seem easy to obtain Dvd profits donât get many members arrested
Southside: Gun sales triple People seem more likely to join
Northside: People like joining gangs
How to get goods
Well to get these you need a supplier, which are hard to find if u donât have the right people to talk to
I want money DOGG
Money is simple you can rob a bank rob stores until you find a suppliers
Starting the game
Well in the beginning itâs hard since you got no members so you got to build up your rep
Dude Rep is like how many people can be in your gang
Well if we seen this in movies a front is a place your goods can be stored but becareful fronts are important make sure u got thugs guardin the place and other gangs can take it ova
Oh and the owners before they open there store as a front they want payment and a favor so be warey
If you got any questions ask me its ok Iâm never perfect at these things
As the game progresses and you get more cash you can upgrade like to a mansion or condo or something so yeah
These guys once u get cash u can pick ur gang car ur gang weapon and hand to hand weapon
I accept his offer, and take a bus down to where the race is going down at. I take the man's $200 up front and then pocket it into my wallet. I then get inside his car, and the engine roars to life, "Man.. I think this will be a pretty easy win for this bad boy."
Gang leader: Swaim Gender: Male Location: Northside Hideout: Abandoned Subway Tunnel Gang: 0 Money: $1000 Rep: 0 Goods: Weapons Your color: Black Car: none Fronts: Allies: Rivals:
Hold up...can't I set up beforehand? If so, I'll make some tire spikes and put them on the road. Doesn't matter if the gov car hits them or another, it'll cause a jam either way, stopping the car. If not...I'll run out in front of the car, screaming. "What are you doing!? THERE'S AN AMBUSH HERE!"
alight u rev up to the staring line u see 2 more opposing cars one green and gold car (might be other gangs) a girl begins the race you go when she drops the flag for now u notch in the lead with the green car following in behind gold tryin to get caught up the green car begins to try to knock u off wat do u do
Gang leader:James Gender:Male Location: Eastside Hideout: Abandened house Gang:0 Money: 1000 Rep: Goods: (weapons, drugs, DVDs) Your color:Purple Car: none Fronts: Allies: Rivals: the girl seems unthretened as she dives for her suit case wat do u do
Gang leader: Swaim Gender: Male Location: Northside Hideout: Abandoned Subway Tunnel Gang: 0 Money: $1000 Rep: 0 Goods: Weapons Your color: Black Car: none Fronts: Allies: Rivals:
the tire spikes work well and a car goes ahead makein a jam in the road step 2 make sure the driver doesnt call for back up
I quickly slide off of his car, but then ram him hard into the other wall of the racetrack. I then continue to floor the gas pedal and get further ahead from the gold car.
I slam down on the brakes, hard. I fall forward and slam my head into the steering wheel, but im okay nevertheless. The gold car then speeds past me, seeming to look at me laughing as he does this, and doesn't notice the liquid.
I slam down on the brakes, hard. I fall forward and slam my head into the steering wheel, but im okay nevertheless. The gold car then speeds past me, seeming to look at me laughing as he does this, and doesn't notice the liquid.
Gang leader: Swaim Gender: Male Location: Northside Hideout: Abandoned Subway Tunnel Gang: 0 Money: $1000 Rep: 0 Goods: Weapons Your color: Black Car: none Fronts: Allies: Rivals:
I'll pose as a traffic officer. "OK people, nothing to worry about here...just a traffic jam. But we take this kind of thing very seriously when an armored car is involved...I want all of you to turn off cell phones, radios, anything. Hold radio silence, because we're commandeering cell and radio bands."
Gang leader:James Gender:Male Location: Eastside Hideout: Abandened house Gang:0 Money: 1180 Rep:20 Goods: (weapons, drugs, DVDs) Your color:Purple Car: none Fronts: Allies: Rivals:
u check the suitcase and obtain a 9MM with a exstended clip so u have 20 round and 2 extra clips
u head back to robertos car lot
"i knew i can count on u my brotha now my friend lets talk some bissness 150 a month my friend i'll let u store anything here just let me know ok my friend" u gained 20 rep